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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Saturday, August 24, 2002

Surprise, Surprise

A blog on a Saturday! Fancy that! No, my computer isn't fixed, I'm at an internet cafe in Broadway. I came in to update Kristen's blog for her and I figured I might as well say hey in mine too. I don't have time to write now, as I just found out the comedy show Mowzez and I are going to see tonight is a half hour earlier than I thought. Ooops! So I have to run, but I must say that last night was absolutely amazing. Damian, Brad, Lisa, Sarah and I went to go see iOTA @ the Hopetoun in Surry Hills. Oh. My. God. I felt a bit nervous as Damian, Brad, Lisa, and Sarah had really never heard of iOTA before and I was hoping they wouldn't hate me for paying $15 to see someone who wasn't their style. Luckily everyone loved the band. They were mind-boggling. They're playing again tonight at the Hoey and I'm so tempted to go again, and blow off everything else. Alas, I don't think I'll do that. :( I'm going to review the gig for Yap, but let's just say that it was just like an Herbal Essences commercial! Anyone who has the chance to see iOTA play live, don't miss it. I love the albums, but the live performances just out-do everything.

Friday, August 23, 2002

Non-Smoking Sign
Just a quickie...going to see iOTA tonight at the Hopetoun, if it's not sold out. By special artist's request, the Hopetoun will be a non-smoking venue tonight. I'm so excited about this! I'd almost pay the cover just to experience one night of non-smoking goodness! Woo-hoo! Tomorrow morning I'm having brekkie with my old co-worker, Dion, his better half, and their new baby daughter. I'm very excited to meet the baby, though I don't sleep as well through the night as she does, so I hope I will be cheerful company. :)

Tomorrow night will possibly be a comedy night at the Enmore with Mowzez, followed by farewell drinks for Jorge, possibly followed by a birthday bash in Edgecliff. No idea if I will get to all three - we'll see.

Sunday I hope to do absolutely nothing (i.e. read, write, and lounge around in bed all day.)

Oh, I almost forgot to mention the coolest thing I've seen in ages...last night I caught up with Burgie @ the Excelsior. He told me funny tales about life in Korea and brought me cute packs of kleenex with little cartoon characters on them. As we were walking home to our neighbourhoods, we passed the mysterious project that has been going on in my neighbourhood for ages. That big 'dead end' or 'no through road' area next to the Broadway Hotel and the Barnibas (sp?) Church. They've been doing something there for ages and I just finally caught a glimpse last night. It says on the sidewalk, in beautiful lettering, Broadway: The Publican and the Priest. Andrew told me that apparently the Church used to put signs out front (they still do) with phrases like, "Better to be happy than rich" and the Broadway Hotel would put up a counter-sign saying something like, "Better to be happy and rich than happy and poor," etc. etc. I'm probably messing them up, but you get the point. Anyway, the sidewalk is full of Publican vs. Priest examples. It's quite beautiful, and cool and funny. I hope the taggers leave it alone, but that's wishful thinking! Anyway, great project, Sydney!

p.s. The pic is from the view of Tibidabo, the highest point in Barcelona. Someone had the brilliant idea of building a church and an amusement park on top of a mountain! I love it! :-)

Thursday, August 22, 2002

Wanna Get a Beer, Darl?

So, it's late, I'm walking home last night via Central Station and a very intoxicated man staggers alongside me. "Well, good evening, my lovely." I look at him briefly to make sure he hasn't got his hand out to grab my ass and I say, "Hey." I begin to walk faster. "So," he says, staggering more quickly to catch up, "Whatchya got in that bag? Lead?" He laughs at his own wit. "Yes," I answer seriously. "I am carrying lead in my bag. It's all the rage. All the kids are doing it these days." He stares at me and thinks about this. To avoid further confusion he tries another approach. "So, where are you from?" After mulling over various answers like, "Sri Lanka, Azkaban, and Neptune," I decide to settle for "Boston." This gets a startling reaction. "Boston, hey? Isn't that where all those pommy bastards, those Queen loving pommy bastards went to?" I nod and say, "Yes, yes it is. And they're all still there. Breeding." He accepts this and says, "So, you wanna come out with me for a beer, darl?" To which I say, brightly, "No thanks!" and jog away leaving him to think about Pommy bastards in Boston and why kids think it's cool to carry lead in their bags...

Random: Film, Music, Phones

Any Aussie Uni students out there? If you're born to direct, but people don't know it yet, head to the National Student Film & Video Festival. Hurry, you've only got a couple weeks to go!

And if you're in Oz and a music lover of any kind, be sure to check out band comp heats at a campus near you for the National Campus Band Comp. You can check out the Band Comp Calendar for the dates. Go on, support the kiddies!

So, I received a text message on my mobile/cell phone yesterday telling me that SMS chat was now available. Oh goody! SMS chat! That's just what I need. I hate sending text messages to my friends because I am the slowest text messager in the world (which is sad for one of the world's fastest typists*), and I usually get so annoyed after passing the letter I wanted three times in a row that I end up just calling the person, so imagine the joy of knowing that I could be going crazy chatting people via painful SMS! If anyone is a satisfied Vodafone or Telstra customer out there, please let me know. I've just about had it with Optus and the stupid 'Optus Lady' - about 70% of the time I try to call anyone, I get a message saying to please try my call later. Or my new favourite is when I get the message saying, "The mobile which you are calling is either unavailable or switched off..." and I'm only ever dialling 222, which is the number I use to check my voicemail. Doh! Plus, I just got my Optus long-distance phone bill. I cannot believe that it is correct - I am never home - how could I have possibly made so many calls from my home number? It's the biggest bill I've ever had and I was gone for 5 weeks in there - something's fishy. I may have to ask for a more detailed bill as the local calls add up to more than the long distance ones.

* Okay, so I'm not the world's fastest typist, but I'm the fastest typist I know.
**The pic is of La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona.

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Sweet Dreams...Are Made of These | The Barcelona 2002 Blog

I would like to live in this picture. It is of Park Guell (Barcelona), which was designed of course by my future husband in my next life, Antoni Gaudi. I was very inspired while in this park - I'll describe it later, but it is just gorgeous. I keep hoping I'll dream about it soon. Speaking of dreams...I had a rather, er, 'intimate' dream the other night. No, it was not quite that kind of dream, but it was bordering on it. Anyway, the weird thing was that the dream was about a friend of mine and I've seen him since the dream and I think I actually blushed when I saw him, as if he knew I'd had the dream. What's extra annoying is that it couldn't have just been a nice harmless fun dream - no, even in my dream my conscience would not let anything happen. What is wrong with me? Anyway, it gave me an idea for a story which you might just be seeing here soon.

Made a few minor updates to Smalljustice.com. I have heaps more to go and I can't wait to get the re-design happening!

The infamous Andrew B is back in town after spending 8 months in Korea. I am probably going to meet up with him tomorrow night so he can tell me wondrous tales of historical myths and facts and philosphical conundrums and how Koreans love Australians because they're both Anti-American. ;-)

iOTA is playing at the Hopetoun four nights this week and I have to see them one of those nights, hmmmmm...Gavin just rang to give me a hard time about us not having scheduled one band practice since I've been back - maybe we'll be inspired by iOTA.

I don't have the energy to type up the rest of the things I was planning on, so I'll continue to be the procrastination queen and say, Adios!

Tuesday, August 20, 2002

BBQ, Barcelona, Movies, Dreams, Oh My

Briefly: Had my first Aussie BBQ on Saturday - fantastic. The Prime boys made their own Sausages and they were excellent! I begged them not to tell me what was in them or how they made them though. Thank you, Prime Sausage Factory!

I'm trying to put up some info/links to Barcelona for Jorge, Jamie, Robyn, and Rammstein, and I threw something together that is SO dodgy. I'll try to make it look bearable soon, but in the meantime, it's at: http://barcelona2002.blogspot.com.

I saw The Sweetest Thing and Signs on Friday - more about that later....and I've set a new post-mid-year resolution for myself, more about that later too, and I apologise to C+C for completely bailing on Sunday. I didn't get home from the party until like 2 in the afternoon ooops.

Oh, and hopefully I'll have time soon to write about the dream I had last night - it's given me inspiration for a new fiction story...


p.s. The pic is of Sitges, a beach 40 mins outside of Barcelona, and where I wish I was right now! :-)