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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Happy Birthday, Daddums!

Happy Birthday, Dad!

"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu,
Happy Birthday dear Daddummmmmms
Happy Birthday to you..."

*Note, no, I do not actually generally refer to my father as Daddums, it's just a bit of fun for his birthday.

Congrats, Dad, you are finally as old as Patrick Swayze ;-)

p.s. Would it be rude to be all excited that the Marlins beat the Yankees in the World Series on my dad's birthday when my dad is a huge Yankee's fan? Yeah, I guess it would. Okay, I won't say anything about being excited then ;-)

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Random Updates

Celebrity crush of the week: Johnny Depp...again. I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean last week with Damian and even with gold capped teeth, dreads, dorky beard braids, and too much eye shadow, Johnny Depp was still a sexy thing to watch on the screen. Would have never thought of a flamboyant pirate myself - who knew it would be so funny and keep the movie so entertaining?

Ongoing musical crush: Jason Mraz. Yes, I'm sure everyone is sick of hearing me talk about him (or type about him) - but I'm still digging his music and his voice as much as ever - I can't believe I'm not over the CD by now, with the amount of times of listened to it. So beautiful. I suppose, considering I keep referring to him as my future husband, it is a good sign I am not sick of him yet! ;-) And can I say that Jason Mraz has lovely fans? I am still getting tons of emails from fans who read my mammoth sized Jason Mraz article and they're all so nice and kind! And I just can't believe anyone read the whole thing!

I Gots the Blues...in a good way

On Sunday night I caught up with my friend Michella. We went to go see her husband's blues band play at The Empire Hotel in Annandale. So, I was coming back from the bar with my lemonade and this man stops me and asks if he can read my shirt. I was wearing one of my cute new shirts - this one says, "I'm out of bed, what more do you want?" It's the sort of shirt I kinda planned on wearing to work every Monday morning @ work as in, "It's Monday, it's before 10am, please don't talk to me!" Anyway, I stopped so the guy could read it and he started laughing. Then, his friend next to him, who was this older Italian dude said, "I don't read the English very well, can you read it to me?" so I did and he laughed. Then he asked, "So, are you Canadian or American?" Told him I was a Yankee, he asked where, so I said, "Near Boston" and he said, "Oh, I have family there! They love it! And, by the way, do you know you are very pretty???" Hahahahahaha. I just love old drunk Italian men at pubs. I just gave a quick "thanks!" and skidaddled my way back to Michella who was probably thinking, "I cannot leave her alone for one moment!"

Later on, after the boys played, Michella's husband and their bass player came back to the table and they were kind of looking at me. Finally the husband said, "Lori, we're not looking at your t.its, we're just reading your shirt, I swear." Okay, memo to self: "The 'I'm out of bed' shirt is probably not the best shirt to wear at pubs" ;-)

I Love Me Some 'Queer Eye'

I really am only watching one television show now (since 24, The Practice, and Sex & the City are not on at the moment.) So of course I am watching and loving Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. I have about 50000 gay friends. None of my friends are anything like the Fab Five. If they were, they might be more helpful to me - they might come over to clean and re-do my apartment, for instance. ;-) Kidding, kidding.

My favourite part of last night's show... (remember, we're behind here) and allow me some creative Lori license, so it was something to the effect of:

Fashion Guy: So who are your fashion idols?
Hot Guy: I don't know. Tim McGraw? Alan Jackson?
Fashion Guy: Riiiiiight. So....are these televangelists?
Hot Guy: (laughing) No. They're country singers.
Fashion Guy: Right. What about Keanu Reeves?
Hot Guy: A lot of people say I look like Keanu Reeves.
Grooming Guy: (glowing) Me too! People tell me I look like Keanu too!
Fashion Guy: People tell me I look like Ellen DeGeneres.

hahahahahahaha! I laughed so hard I started crying. It was just so random - here the other guys are bragging about being compared to Keanu and the Fashion Dude announces that people tell him he looks like Ellen. Love it!

Has anyone done any work at work last week or this week?

No, seriously. I don't think anyone I know has. Everyone has been doing the hilariously addictive Mini-Pops quiz. Everyone I know has been calling me or emailing me to ask me the answers. Hehe. I can't remember how many I actually got on my own and then with a friend - in the end there were some we were just never going to get, so I cheated and looked up the snwers so I could get on with my life. However, I am proud to say that I worked on the quiz after-hours, unlike some people I know, not that I'm naming names, you all know who you are! Actually, a friend just emailed me to say that everyone at his work was obsessed with it and that the office was quiet until one man yelled out, "I got it! It's Mork & Mindy!" and people burst out into applause! Nice! And much appreciation to the cool dude who actually made all those wonderful graphics.