Quick hello to the upcoming best-selling author, Andrew Wright, who truly appreciated our toe nails last night! If you decide to write a story about our killer toe nails, or you want more details, let me know ;-)
I have not fallen off the face of the earth....things have just been soooooooooooooo busy at work, my parents came to visit for 3 weeks, and then of course there is all the planning leading up to the Wedding of the Century (sorry Kip + Lawfundah) - Claude + Chad are getting married NEXT WEEK! IEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Can't wait!
I wanted Claude to have the best day/night, so yesterday we just had a small intimate group, and a lot of pampering, talking, pampering, talking, more talking, eating, more taking, more eating, and then dancing!
We started our day at YummyMummys which is an adorable and wonderful beauty salon in Paddington, Sydney. We all got massages done (FABULOUS!) and my massage therapist was the first successful person to massage my feet EVER. I have the world's most ticklish feet, so I can never bear anyone touching them, which is a shame since I get so many feet cramps, but Ivy did a great job!
After massages, Claude and I got pedicures. Of course another first for me, since I am so ticklish. Only one really ticklish moment, the rest of the pedicure was great. For the first time ever I want to wear shoes that show off my toes! I've told Claude she has to tell Chad this is the life she wants to become accustomed to. While getting our nails done, we all sat around drinking champagne and eating strawberries and chocolates. This is the life I would like to become accustomed to too. ;-)

Of course my hair looked like it had fallen into an oil slick, which it pretty much did! My massage therapist gave me a head massage and because my hair is so baby fine, it absorbed all the oil on her hands, so I felt very greasy, but whatever. The day/night was about Claude, not my greasy hair! ;-)
So then around 12.30am we headed to Broadway and got on the "Longest Bus Ride Ever for Shortest Distance" - we were only going from Broadway to King Street in the city, so just a ride down George Street, and we were so glad we took the bus because a cab fare would have been insane. What would normally take about 5-10 minutes tops (because of bus stopping at every stop), the ride took like 40 minutes, but we did not care because we met these hilarious 18 year old boys who entertained us the entire trip. They gave us stickers and clickers (you use the clicker to record a click every time someone checks you out - how funny!). Of course they noticed my accent and wanted to know where I was from. And when I said, US, Springfield, they were very excited.
Finally we got off the bus and headed to the Slip Inn for a drink, and then to Chinese Laundry for a dance. Poor Emsy had to leave early, so we were down to three. Claude and Rhonda disappointed a lot of guys when they found out a) Claude was getting married and b) Rhonda was already married. As usual, only the odder guys came up to me. One guy was watching me dance and went "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He smiled at me, looked me up and down, and then said "WOOOOOOOOO!" again and proceeded to spank his own butt. Whatever floats your boat, man! As long as it was his butt and not mine, I was down with that! ;-)

Chinese Laundry was fun, but good god they need to invest in some better air-conditioning. We were are sweating to the point of being gross and slimey, but it was still a great time. We met some nice guys who were on a buck's night and they bought Claude a shot (Aw!) and also this 60-something guy be-friended us. He seemed nice and harmless enough, and he was, right up until he tried to start dirty dancing with us. No, grandpa, no! ;-)
Funnily enough we met more people after we left Chinese Laundry and were attempting to hail a cab. A couple of very lovely (and cute!) guys asked if we thought they should check out Chinese Laundry for a bit, but we warned them it was closing in about 10 minutes, so not to bother. We told them all about our day, and next thing you know, Claude and I are taking our feet out of our shoes to show strangers our pretty painted toes! Okay, we had introduced ourselves at this point (I think) so they weren't really strangers at the time of our toe reveal. I think writer Andrew Wright and his friend were quite impressed - and why shouldn't they be? I am hoping our toe nails serve as inspiration for Andrew's upcoming novel. Claude and I want an autographed copy! ;-)
We got home around 5am, so it was a 15 hour event for us - and tons of fun! I wanna do it all again next weekend, except we'll be at Claude + Chad's wedding then, so I guess we'll just have to wait until Claude is a married woman! ;-)(I will post more Hen's piccies soon!)