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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Saturday, May 11, 2002

Clean-Up On Aisle 9, Please Pick Up the Klutz

As some of you know, I've had a few embarassing incidents at the Broadway Shopping Mall . Well, add Coles to the list of stores I've embarassed myself in. I woke up this morning with that, "Ugh, I'm not getting sick, am I?" feeling. Just felt really tired and sluggish. Anyhoo, by the time I got my butt to the supermarket, I was feeling kind of blah, so the plan was to just get in and out, super quick. Shopping list clutched in hand, I whisked my way from aisle to aisle, making excellent time. I had my purse on my left shoulder and a shopping basket in my right hand. I looked down at my list, while power walking to the 'burrito' aisle and all of a sudden I slipped on some pasta sauce that someone had spilled all over the floor and (which I didn't see, of course) and fell down on the floor. I couldn't have just slipped, or maybe slid a bit and kept going. Oh no, I had to actually fall on the ground. I fell on my right knee, which is of course, the knee I've dislocated twice, and I kind of twisted my left ankle. Let me tell you, don't be fooled by my small frame. I have had a few people over the years tell me I have the 'body of a dancer,' meaning I have a long mini-giraffe like neck, and I'm petite. But let me say, gravity is no one's friend and when I fall, I fall hard, like a sack of potatoes. There's nothing graceful about my klutziness. I love when you fall down and suddenly, there you are on the floor and you get that denial thing happening where you're like, "Maybe no one saw me!" but a quick glance around reassured me that at least 40 people were trying not to laugh at me. Right. So, I was impressed by my recovery time. I got up really quickly and proceeded to walk to the next aisle, as if nothing had happened. Miraculously, nothing had fallen out of my purse or basket.

I scampered away and stood there, spending a lot of time picking out the best burrito sauce, waiting for my face to return to its normal colour when this father and son walk by and say to me, "You know, you don't do something like that unless you're planning to sue." Without missing a beat, I smiled and said, "Yeah, well, I am American, so they better watch out. I'm thinking about it!" And several people in the aisle started laughing. Yes, I am a Klutz, with a capital K.

p.s. Big shout-out to Mr. Bart for the linkage! Check out his site! :-)

Monday, May 06, 2002

Just got back from Melbourne about 10 minutes ago...left Friday night and got back tonight (late Monlday night Sydney time) and I am ready to collapse. My feet are currently not speaking to me. I saw Angela, Dan, and Dave and met lots of new cool people. I'm ready for bed in every way. Update coming, in the words of Shakira, 'Whatever, Whenever' or something like that...