Congrats to Kristikeet on getting a job! Woo-hoo! Very exciting! You go, girl! :) I spent the evening with Kristen and her friends/ex-coworkers at The Rose Hotel tonight. Very fun, funny, and lord the pizza and bruschetta was yummy. We're both coughing now - possibly from the smoke from the fires? My head is pounding - off to bed!
Saturday, January 05, 2002
Thursday, January 03, 2002
Holy toledo is it hot in this apartment....this is just a quickie to say I've begun my New Year's resolution to leave work on time. I left work just after 6pm today. Woo-hoo. There is hope for me after all!
Wednesday, January 02, 2002

I'm gearing up for my writers' group meeting this Sunday and a gig at the Metro on Saturday...the weekend is looking good....thank you to Shayna, Lisa, Rachel, and Babci for the cards I received in the mail (old fashioned snail mail - woo-hoo!) today. I feel so loved :)
Tuesday, January 01, 2002
p.s. Viruses suck. I hope the computer viruses I received at 1.02 am this morning aren't a sign of how 2002 is going to progress! I've got about 12 infected files on my computer. If you've received anything with an attachment from me in the last 24 hours, please delete it. It's a weird little virus that, amongst other things, sends out randomly named files to people. My mother received a file called "Nude Me" and I was horrified. Just delete, people. Just delete! I apologise for the annoyance! If you successfully downloaded the file by accident, do a google search for "Badtrans" cleaning utilities. I've got Badtrans.B.Trojan and Badtrans.B.Worm. Lovely.
Happy New Year (Again) Hope you're all happy and healthy and well!
Happy New Year (Again) Hope you're all happy and healthy and well!

Last night was simply amazing. We staked out the best NYE spot ever at Mrs. Macquarie's Chair, which has the view of the Opera House with the Harbour Bridge behind it. We could not have asked for a better spot. I took a whole roll of pics of the fireworks, though I know they will never come out. Oh well, I couldn't help myself. I get the pics back on Friday, so expect to see something next week. Anyhoo, we all brought blankets, food, drinks, and had a little picnic in the afternoon and evening leading up to the 9pm and midnight fireworks. Watching the fireworks explode over the harbour, it was the perfect way to start 2002!
Back to work tomorrow - the party is over! ;)
Sunday, December 30, 2001
Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of Rach and Anthony to post here just yet. But once I get them developed, here they will go!
We spent the day at Manly Beach today. Perfect beach day and as usual, just as I was gearing up to go into the water, the bluebottle jellyfish started coming in. Drat! Foiled again!