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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Saturday, January 15, 2005

I've Named The Babies...

My fishies have names! :-) I've decided on Van and Moshie, short for Van Halen and Mosh Pit Mosher :-)

It's Van Halen for the one that likes to "JUMP!" (yes, I'm cheesy, but hey, I think he'd like that song since he does jump all the time) and Mosh Pit Mosher for the the headbanger fishie who is constantly butting his head/mouth against the glass to try to get a) the the other fish or b) the other fish's food.

Ah, I feel better now that my fishies have names. I hope they do too ;-)

I cannot believe the # of names I've gone through....I decided against the Harry Potter references as there just weren't any characters that really reminded me of my babies. I also went through ideas of names of artistic people I just liked - Picasso, Gaudi, Nabokov, but that was all about me rather than the fishies, so no go there. Then I almost named them Salto and Boquita (Jump + Small Mouth in Spanish,) but I still wasn't satisfied. Yes, I'm weird, I know! :-D

And now for some shoutouts:

  • Happy 28th b-day to Javi Honeybunches!!!

  • Happy 30th b-day to Rudilicious!!! (almost!)

  • Lots and lots of hugs, luck and happy thoughts and crossed fingers and toes to Glassy who looks fabulous in hot pink and black!

  • 1 million gold stars to my talented DC for an amazing job well done! :-D

  • Love + Speedy recovery wishes to my Grandpa

  • Love + Bon Voyage to my Uncle Norman who has left this world behind

  • Last night I went to Rudi's b-day drinks and had a very nice and relaxed time chillin' in Marrickville. I was lame and left at 1.30am, but this was just due to being up that morning at 5am, not for lack of cool peeps and fun conversations! ;-)

    Tonight I'm going to Hussain's farewell drinks. :-( Hussain is such a sweetie so it will be sad to see him go. We can only hope he gets to visit again VERY soon!

    Thursday, January 13, 2005

    Proud Fish Mama!

    MY FISHIES ARE SO SMART! :-) Okay, I swear my fishies and I have this synchronised dance thing happening! If I stand in front of the bowl and start doing this wavy motion with my hands/body, back in forth in front of them, they both start doing this same thing - the same horizontal wave thing I do with my hands, they do with their bodies. It is SO freaking adorable! At first I thought it was a coincidence, but if I stop the motion, they stop right after I do. And if I start doing it again, they start up again too. HOW CUTE IS THAT? My friend Fleur is my witness - she's seen it! :-)

    But no, I'm a bad fish mama because I have not named my fish yet - I've been throwing around some ideas, but I haven't settled on ones just yet. I will name them soon, I promise!

    So yes, my friend Fleur is staying with me this week. She's from Melbourne but this is her first time in Sydney so it's cool being able to recommend places about Australia to an Aussie. ;-)

    Tonight we're going to see Somersault at the Open Air Cinema. It's an Aussie film which I've already seen but I'm dying to see the movie screen rise up out of the Harbour as I've never seen it before. Woo-woo! Going to meet up with Jorge and Hussain and some of Hussain's friends and have a bit of a picnic in the Botanic Gardens before the movie starts.

    The last week has been really amazing and eye-opening in lots of ways...not going to explain any more now, but maybe later... :-D