The Things I Do For Work...
Yeah, so this photo is about 2 months old now, but it still cracks me up and I never talked about it here, so you're all gonna pay now! I mentioned in a May blog that I needed to learn to lie faster when getting asked by a boss what I'm doing on a Sunday....and this photo is a warning of what can happen when you can't think of a fib quickly enough...I ended up taking photos at this Rabbitohs game (that's Rugby League for all you yankees scratching your heads back home) . I was supposed to get at least 9 photos that would be good enough for print in an ad in a magazine. If it was just stuff for the web, I wouldn't have been worried - hell, thanks to PaintShopPro and PhotoShop, I can look like I take much better photos than I actually do (for the web) - but when it comes to print quality, yikes...anyway, it was a long day of me begging people to let me take their photos AND getting them to sign release forms saying it was okay to use their photos online and in a print magazine while not disturbing them during the actual game. Bless those kind souls who took pity on me. You can check out the Rabbitoh Fan gallery, if you've got some time on your hands. Special thanks to the older man with the Bunny and the brave man who kissed a stranger's Bunny, just to impress me. You rock! Oh and if you're wondering why there's one pic in the gallery that looks odd, it's because I had to Photoshop a cup of beer out of the photo for the website and I did a really dodgy job. ;-)
And yes, this photo is more proof that I look dumb in all hats - this Bunny Beanie probably would have been cute on any other person, but I just can't not look silly in hats. (Except maybe cowboy-type/Akubra hats...don't ask me why, maybe it's because my hair is more 'mane' than hair, but for some reason I think I can pull them off...of course this may just be my own opinion ;-)
Uni Games
Oooh, I'm only about 2 weeks behind on this - wow! Yeah, so these were 2 crazy days up in Coffs Harbour. I was so tired and sore from lugging around 2 digital cameras, 1 digital video camera, my laptop, cables, cords, batteries, notebooks, release forms, luggage etc. etc. It was fun, but exhausting. I'm very impressed by how organised it all was though - I only wish I could had more time to check out Coffs. It seemed very pretty, but I didn't see much of it as I was just running from event to event. There were lots of funny and friendly student athletes up there and I got some good quotes. You should have a look at the 70s Night Gallery for a good laugh - there are some great get-ups in there. The funny thing was, I just wanted to take photos of the people there, but everyone kept wanting me to get in the photo too and I kept politely declining (or trying to) but some people just insisted...
So, what have I been up to lately? Same ol' stuff...keeping up with the ol' writing - working on a few articles, some short stories, and my novel which is nowhere closer to completion since I last mentioned it. But I'm enjoying the actual process of writing, so that's what least I have to keep telling myself that as my progress is verrrrrrry slow. ;-)
Belated B-Days
Happy Belated Birthday to Ruth, whom I celebrated with on Wednesday @ the Four In Hand, and Happy Belated Birthday to Bart, whom I celebrated with on Saturday @ the Townie. To think, I've been going to the Town Hall Hotel in Newtown for nearly 4 years, and Sat. night was my first time sitting downstairs. I kept gaping, going, "Huh? They have a DJ? What? There's a dancefloor?" And my god, I've never seen so many freaky-ass hair-dos all in one place. Very exciting! ;-)
Indian Fetish
I just realised that the owners of my favourite new Indian restaurant ( The Clove, on Crown St - near corner of Oxford St - in Paddington) must think I'm the biggest hussy because I keep going in there with a new far I've been with Jorge a few times, and recently I went with Rammstein and then with Gavin. But I'm only a hussy for their yummy butter chicken, I swear....damn, I can almost taste it now....I'm hungry! :-(
I do have more Lori Stories to tell, but I'm tired and ready for bed (okay, this is a big fat lie, I'm going to watch a bit of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and then I'm going to bed). Nighty night!
p.s. Kristen, you really do have to write that book! I can Photoshop incriminating photos of you, J-Lo, and Ben Affleck, and I will personally fly all the way to Ohio to smack you if I ever hear you say again that your butt is bigger than J-Lo's! ;-) Cluck! Cluck!

And yes, this photo is more proof that I look dumb in all hats - this Bunny Beanie probably would have been cute on any other person, but I just can't not look silly in hats. (Except maybe cowboy-type/Akubra hats...don't ask me why, maybe it's because my hair is more 'mane' than hair, but for some reason I think I can pull them off...of course this may just be my own opinion ;-)
Uni Games

Belated B-Days
Happy Belated Birthday to Ruth, whom I celebrated with on Wednesday @ the Four In Hand, and Happy Belated Birthday to Bart, whom I celebrated with on Saturday @ the Townie. To think, I've been going to the Town Hall Hotel in Newtown for nearly 4 years, and Sat. night was my first time sitting downstairs. I kept gaping, going, "Huh? They have a DJ? What? There's a dancefloor?" And my god, I've never seen so many freaky-ass hair-dos all in one place. Very exciting! ;-)
Indian Fetish
I just realised that the owners of my favourite new Indian restaurant ( The Clove, on Crown St - near corner of Oxford St - in Paddington) must think I'm the biggest hussy because I keep going in there with a new far I've been with Jorge a few times, and recently I went with Rammstein and then with Gavin. But I'm only a hussy for their yummy butter chicken, I swear....damn, I can almost taste it now....I'm hungry! :-(
I do have more Lori Stories to tell, but I'm tired and ready for bed (okay, this is a big fat lie, I'm going to watch a bit of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and then I'm going to bed). Nighty night!
p.s. Kristen, you really do have to write that book! I can Photoshop incriminating photos of you, J-Lo, and Ben Affleck, and I will personally fly all the way to Ohio to smack you if I ever hear you say again that your butt is bigger than J-Lo's! ;-) Cluck! Cluck!