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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Friday, July 04, 2003

Happy 4th of July, little yankees!

I wish I could say we had a lot of 'freedom' to be celebrating this Independence Day, but with our Head Monkey (Dubya) screwing things up left and right, I'd most like the U.S. to be free of him at the moment.


I am a bigger wuss than ever with this Sydney winter stuff. Over the weekend it was quite lovely - getting to 20ish zone (60s, even high-ish 68 sometimes). But this week has felt really really cold. It's only been in the 50s, but to me it feels like below freezing. How sick is that? And it's extra freezing in our office. We have no heat or air-conditioning in our office. It's an old building, so it's not that surprising. But what is surprising is how we never get used to how freaking cold it is. Today I wore a bra, a tank top, a t-shirt, a sweater, a thin jacket, and a winter jacket ALL day at work. My hands and feet were like ice all day. I keep hoping we'll get some office heaters, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. :(

I have to keep alternating between sitting on my left hand and typing with my right and vice versa. I sit on my hands to warm them up. I took off my boots and sat in a yoga-like position the other day to try to warm up my feet. Pathetic. And I can see my breath when I go to the ladies' room. I swear I try to 'hold it' as long as I can because the idea of having to pee in that freezing bathroom terrifies me.

Tonight, after work, I went straight to the store to get thermal underwear, gloves, and a scarf. I can't find my gloves from last year - bummer. I had cut off the finger tips so I could type while wearing them.

In any case, I think I may never be able to live in a U.S. state that has a cold winter ever again. Australia has ruined me! I have been so pampered by the lovely warm weather here - Oz has undone 22 years of work! ;-)

Letter to My Daughter

An email I wrote to Miss Kristen today:

Young lady, for the record, THIS is a gelatinous whale! I never want to hear you compare yourself to this gross thing again! You are beautiful!


love you!

(This is due to the fact that lil' Kristen has no idea that she is perfect and keeps mistakenly referring to her non-gelatinous ass as being a gelatinous whale. Bad girl!) ;-) Note my new 'tough love' program of embarassing Kristen on my blog to get her to shape up her attitude! ;-)

Workin' it

Work has been insanely busy lately. I need to clone myself. Seriously. Too many websites, not enough time! I'll be flying up to Coffs Harbour on Monday morning for the UniGames, so that should be a nice change to work out of the office. Yes, I will be working! But all work outside the office is welcomed at the moment - anything has to be warmer! ;-)


Mum + Dad, I promise to ring you soon (no, really!)

And Auntie Kate, I am alive, and I will mail you soon! (no, really!)

Musical Recommendations

  • Everyone in Sydney NEEDS to get his/her butt down to the Metro on Sunday, July 6th, to see the amazing and angelic Jason Mraz!!! I'll see you there! :-)

  • Everyone in Sydney NEEDS to get his/her butt down to Vic on the Park tonight (4th of July) to see theHEAD and their great support line-up. It's theHEAD's album launch and I have a copy of their album and it's QUITE YUMMY! Plus theHEAD have their own awesome additional players, including the very exciting Danny Heifetz (from Mr. Bungle, Secret Chiefs 3), and the hilarious and pink SPOD.

    Go forth and gig!

    Back to Brrrrr!

    You know what it's like when you just can't shake a chill? My apartment is 100x warmer than my office, yet I can't shake this chill I've had this last week, so I have resorted to using my hair dryer to warm me up and my blankets/sheets too. My regular old fan heater just ain't cutting it. P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C. What is wrong with me? Why am I finding this cold???

    Anyhoo, back to the hair dryer...
