So I've been freaking out all day because I tried to call Miss Kristen fairly regularly from 7am-1pm and I couldn't get through on either the mobile or the home phone. So, I'm sorry, but I have no news. :( I just want to know my little daughter made it through okay! Hang in there, Kristikeet, I will try to ring you tomorrow. I'm guessing that maybe the massive power outages that also affected Cleveland may have contributed to the cell phone probs and the network congestion (I kept getting busy signals and/or 'network congestion' messages.) Cluck, cluck!
On the Home Front
So, the countdown is on...I can't believe it won't be long now till I see the fam. Please save some of that warm weather for me - hell, I'll even take hot and humid! Puh-lease?
On the 'Removed' Home Front
I've just mailed out several letters to potential long lost relatives, in hopes of getting more family tree info...here's hoping I sent them to some of the right people!

Happy belated birthday to: Ray, Haylin, Heather, and Jorge! So many Leos! How do I put up with you all! Oh, and happy birthday to another favourite Leo - Dr. N! You know who you are! :-) Speaking of belated birthdays, here is a belated birthday pic of me from June. Yeah, I know that's pretty slack, but I still haven't put together my online galleries of Barcelona and Paris from last year, so two months behind on b-day pics? Pffffffft. That's nothing! I can do much better than that.
You got the write stuff, baby....
Yeah, that was lame, I know - anyhoo, I think I have class on Sunday. I think. I only think I do because though I registered for the class this week, I didn't hear back any confirmation yet, and the class is on Sunday. I didn't think of this until after 5pm. Doh. So I am going to hope for the best and turn up. And if I didn't make it into the class, oh well, I'll be up early and raring to go to write - somewhere! Yes, I do realise it is somewhat sad to have to keep taking classes in order to keep myself motivated, but hey, whatever works, I say!
What's been goin' on?
The same ol' stuff, and some funny stuff. I been gigging, dancing at 80s parties, going to b-day parties, catching up with friends over dinner, the usual. Oh, and I might actually blog sometime about going to Sexpo - it was pretty funny, but there were a few surprises...