A blog on a Saturday! Fancy that! No, my computer isn't fixed, I'm at an internet cafe in Broadway. I came in to update Kristen's blog for her and I figured I might as well say hey in mine too. I don't have time to write now, as I just found out the comedy show Mowzez and I are going to see tonight is a half hour earlier than I thought. Ooops! So I have to run, but I must say that last night was absolutely amazing. Damian, Brad, Lisa, Sarah and I went to go see iOTA @ the Hopetoun in Surry Hills. Oh. My. God. I felt a bit nervous as Damian, Brad, Lisa, and Sarah had really never heard of iOTA before and I was hoping they wouldn't hate me for paying $15 to see someone who wasn't their style. Luckily everyone loved the band. They were mind-boggling. They're playing again tonight at the Hoey and I'm so tempted to go again, and blow off everything else. Alas, I don't think I'll do that. :( I'm going to review the gig for Yap, but let's just say that it was just like an Herbal Essences commercial! Anyone who has the chance to see iOTA play live, don't miss it. I love the albums, but the live performances just out-do everything.
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