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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Saturday, August 30, 2003

I'm off!
Well, almost...just about ready to head to the airport. I want to get there early so I can flirt with whoever it takes to get an aisle seat! I will be as shameless as I have to be! I don't care - anything to increase my chances of getting that aisle seat (fingers crossed!) It's 20 hours of flying time, so I'm not too proud to beg! ;-)

Boston Peeps
I will be in Boston on the 3rd and 4th of September - Wed + Thurs. Will ring you guys on Monday. I get in to Hartford/Spfld on Sunday night cause I have to stay over one night in Chicago.

Springfield Peeps
See you soon! :D

Friday, August 29, 2003

Show me to my bed!
Sooooo, it's after 1.30am, and I'm at work. I swear I am going to leave soon. Don't forget, kiddies, FBi Radio goes on-air today from noon! Yay! And isn't their website lovely? ;-)

I went to a new dentist today and my lord, I have never experienced such a high-tech and instructional dental experience. Digital cameras were used to take 'x-rays' of my mouth, video of what's going on inside my mouth, a refresher course on the proper way to brush and floss, and they pointed out this R2-D2 looking laser thing they use to whiten teeth. Um, is this all knew or have I just been going to hickville Fred Flinstone dentists??? I also learned a lesson in distraction. I have a really tiny mouth and my gag-reflex is pretty sensitive, and when they were taking impressions of my top teeth, I couldn't help it, I started gagging and coughing and I was laying there thinking, "No! I cannot throw up! I must not throw up!" and the dentist was like, "Okay, now lift your right leg, no higher....no, a bit lower, now straighten it more, that's it..." And that helped a lot. I did start gagging again, so I did the other leg, and that was better. Afterwards I was like, "So what's with the leg thing?" and he was like, "Oh, that's just to distract you from gagging. Cool, huh?" VERY!

So, less than 48 hours till I get on that aeroplane to the States! Have I begun to pack yet? Nope! Not a freaking chance in hell! Looks like someone won't be sleeping much tomorrow night, which is fine, as that should, in theory, help me sleep on the plane!

Soon I'll be seeing my future husband, Jason Mraz in concert in Boston and I'll be going to see Bruce Springsteen with my Aunt in Connecticut. I hope she screams like a teenager! That would be funny! :-)