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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Sunday, April 04, 2004

The Soup Klutzy

Well Klutzo has struck again. I have just re-won the award for 'Most Ridiculous Person I Know.' Luckily I do not appear to be a danger to society - only to myself...

So it seemed like a simple plan...all I was going to do was have a bowl of soup for dinner. I even had an 'easy to open' can of soup where you just pull the top off using the tab - no 'dangerous' manual can openers for Klutzo!!! So I'm pulling the top off the can, only it's stuck. So I pull harder and...yes, predictably, the soup goes everywhere I don't want it to go. The soup goes in my hair, all over my top and jeans, on my arms, on my shoes, on the floor, on the walls, and... all over my toilet. Yes, I was opening this can of soup over the sink in the bathroom because my kitchen sink is full of dishes I'm trying to pretend don't need to be washed. Funnily enough, the soup went everywhere except in the sink I was using for potential soup spillage. But Klutzo does not let the fun stop stop there! Oh no. In the process of yanking offf the soup can top, Klutzo manages to cut her thumb on the lid! Way to go, Klutzo! And no pansy little graze for Klutzo - no, nothing but a deeper cut to really get that blood flowing!

I thought rinsing my hand under cold water would make it feel better, but no, I have not sworn that loudly in ages. Ooops. After applying several tissue tourniquets, I finally found a band-aid. Then Neurotic Klutzo kicked in and I started thinking about the last time I had a tetanus shot...I actually asked Heather if I should consider a tetanus shot and she was like, "only if the can was rusty" and I joked, "But the rusty cans are half off at Coles!" Kidding, kidding. There was no rust.

So, after all the hoopla, I had sort of lost my appetite, likely due to the blood, but I figured I should at least try the soup, since I had gone through so much to open the freaking can. And no, for the record, I did not get any blood IN the soup - just on the lid which flew off and hit the bathroom wall. Of course, to add insult to injury, the soup was not even that good! It was this new Thai Green Curry soup and it was not worth all the trouble of opening it. I should have gotten my favourite 'gourmet' Thai Green Curry soup. It's more expensive, but it's yummy and it comes in a plastic container, so it would be much harder (but not impossible) for me to injure myself ;-)

So yeah, I'm ridiculous. I'm the only person I know who could draw blood and ponder getting a tetanus shot while trying to make soup.

And for the record...in case you were wondering...Thai Green Curry soup in the hair is NOT a good look! :-)

Ewwww...I just found Thai Green Curry soup on my toothbrush.....that's so not minty fresh!

Sadly, the soup incident was the most eventful part of the weekend. I spent a good chunk of the weekend working, counting votes and updating the Y.outhRock website/photogalleries etc. Very tame, and no blood involved.

Oh and if anyone was planning to call me on my home phone this week, don't bother. My phone has officially died (at least I think it's for real this time) and I won't have time to buy a new one until next weekend. :-(

Signing off,
The Soup Klutzy