Okay, it's official - I am in love! I am in love with my honourary niece, Miss Jessica!!! She is 10 months old and TOO CUTE TO BE LEGAL! I spent Thursday night through Sunday down in Melbourne with Rachel, Anthony, and Miss Jessie!
For those of you playing at home, Rachel was my roommate for a year and a half at Boston University and I hadn't seen her and Ant since I stayed with them in Paris 4 years ago. They've just recently moved to Oz, with their ADORABLE baby, so Auntie Lori had to go down to visit!
Rach and Ant let me stay with them in their fab new place on their very comfy couch. Miss Jessie let me hold her several times, which I was super excited about, cause I'm super clucky.
I was telling one of my co-workers last week how I was feeling clucky and he was like, "Oh, I get it...biological clock, huh?" and I said, "No, smart ass! This is not an age thing, I have ALWAYS been clucky!" I've wanted to have kids since I was a kid, and I get clucky over babies, over baby clothes, and don't even get me started on baby shoes! That's right, I don't even need the actual baby to get clucky. Just show me a baby shoe and I'm all, "AWWWWWWWWWW!" But yeah, cute babies just kill me. I want to go up to complete strangers and ask them if I can hold their babies. Of course I would never actually do this. Ever. But I still like to think about it. ;-)
Melbourne was just a tad chilly for my liking but the weather held out for us and we got to check out some very cute shops on Brunswick St (and I got some very cute shoes!) and on Sat night we had fantastic Indian food on Nicholson St and some awesome Chai for dessert at a cool cafe playing Portishead's 'Live in NYC' album with a cozy fire (and Beth Gibbons!) to warm us. YUM, YUM, YUM - the Chai was divine!
I was proud of Rach and Ant for doing so well - this was only the 2nd night they'd ever been away from Jess in 10 months, and they didn't even cry once! ;-) I also met Ant's family - absolutely lovely folks!
It was great catching up with parents and bub and I cannot wait to visit again. My honourary niece is not just too cute, but she is also incredibly brilliant and funny. She couldn't say "Auntie Lori" but she did seem to like to call me "Boom Boom" which I think is hilarious. She did appreciate all my butterfly rings and necklaces, so we're off to a great start!
Thanks heaps for letting me stay with you guys, Rach + Ant + Jess! Cluck, cluck! :-)
Nighty night!
Auntie Boom Boom
p.s. There were so many cute pics of Jess, it was, quite frankly, overwhelming to choose! Will post more soon, if Rach + Ant don't mind! :-)