Just When You Think You're Safe...
What is WRONG with people sometimes? I mean seriously....
So I'm at work this afternoon and I (stupidly) answer the phone and hear an unfamiliar voice ask for me. I say, "Ummm, this is Lori" and then I hear, "Oh, hi Lori, it's Will...." This is followed by a long stunned silence on my part. No, surely...it can't be...sigh. Finally I say, "Oh. Hi! How are you?" And he says, "Sorry I haven't called you in ages, I lost your phone number." It's funny that that's how he remembers it - as if he was the one who forgot to call me. The truth is, he called me quite a bit and then I accidentally on purpose never returned his calls. I had assumed he had given up and that I would not hear from him again. Why did I assume this? Because I have not spoken to him since 2001. That's right, you read correctly. 2001!!! WTF? Come ON!
I did feel bad about not returning his calls but he had such a bad memory I thought he would just forget the whole thing...and he kinda did...until today.
We only went out on a couple dates and he was very nice and sweet but I wanted to talk and get to know him and all he wanted to do was make out. It was quite bizarre. Like, I'd be sitting there, on a bar stool, at a pub, asking him some questions and listening to his extremely brief answers. I need a guy who can TALK. Anyone who has known me for more than two seconds knows I am a talkaholic, but I like being around people who like to talk a lot too. With Will, I was doing all the work. So, we're in this pub and I've tried asking him questions but he does not seem talkative so I start talking and he's totally not paying attention to me. He just keeps slowly moving towards me, aiming for my lips. It's like watching a bad movie in slow motion. Me talking and looking baffled as he glides slowly towards me, his mouth all puckered up and ready for the kiss. So I'd lean away from him, falling off my stool, or turn away or anything, and he'd still just head for my mouth and start to kiss me,
while I was still talking! It got to the point where I'd give him a little smooch action, hoping that
then we'd be able to chat some more. But no.
I'd start talking again and he'd start leaning in and aiming for the lips AGAIN! He was not a bad kisser, but how freaking WEIRD is that???? I stopped returning his calls after that. This was in 2001.
So he calls me today and starts telling me what he's been up to in the last four years and wants to know what I've been up to in the last for years. Right. Of course I'm at work, so after a few minutes I say I need to get back to work and he's like, "Well, we should catch up soon." I say nothing. He continues with, "How about tonight? Do you want to get together tonight?" I say I have plans tonight. He asks about tomorrow night. I say "No good." He then asks about later in the week or the weekend and I say this week is not good for me. We left it with him leaving his phone number and me saying I would call him if I wanted to catch up.
I feel like a horrible person, but talk about being caught offguard. FOUR YEARS, people! Doesn't that qualify the person as, "Someone I Don't Have to Worry About Contacting Me Again"???
I'm having flashbacks now. I keep seeing his lips coming at me in mid-conversation...:-(
I have another story from today, but I'm tired, so maybe tomorrow.....my DVD player has suddenly stopped working *pout* so I'm gonna have to read to get this mental image of Will's lips out of my head, instead of relying on Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha, and Miranda ;-)