Show Me the Money
Today I helped an elderly Asian man use the ATM. He spoke no English, so I was impressed by my use of charades and what-not. He came up to me while I was getting my own money out of the ATM and I was not impressed. I was like, "hey, now, a little personal space please!" He held up his Commonwealth Bank card and gestured at the machine questioningly. I nodded and said he could use the machine. He went up to the machine and looked at me again. I took his card and stuck it in the ATM for him, then pointed to the number pad for him to put in his pin. I didn't know whether or not to leave him at this point, so I stood back. He looked at me again when it came time to choose how much money to take out. I pointed at a 'reasonable' amount and crossed my fingers that 'savings' was the right option. I also opted for the receipt. I kept holding up my card, my wallet, and my receipt as cues. It was funny because he freaked out when it took a few moments for his card, and then his money, and then his receipt. I was somehow gesturing, "relax, it's coming" though I don't know how. Anyway, he got his money, he was happy.

Last night I hung out with K and N in Forest Lodge. We chatted for like 4 hours about freaks, IT and design, politics, etc, you know, the important things! It was a lot of fun and I was very sleepy when I got home so you can imagine my disgruntled state at 2am when some tool on the street decided to stand outside my apartment building and yell, "AMANDA! AMANDA???? AAAA-MAAAAN-DAA! Wake up! WAKE UP!" He went on, and on, and on. I was like, "Please Amanda, wake up and tell him to shut up!" I really wanted to go to my window, open it up and tell him to go away or I would call the police. Then I started wondering if maybe this wasn't the nut-job who used to beat the crap out of his girlfriend about 2 years ago. The couple lived 2 doors down and one incident of domestic violence ended with him putting her through the glass balcony doors and then dragging her into the hallway, down the stairs, and outside the building, bleeding everywhere. I never knew the guy or girl's names. I never really got a good look at either of them, just quick looks out the door/window at night before ringing the police. Haven't heard a peep from them in like 2 years so I didn't know if they moved out or what. I still no pretty much no one in my building. It's a ghost town, my building. Anyway, the dude outside yelled for about 2 hours on and off...every time I got up to ring the police, he'd stop. Psychic bastard. I hope Amanda is okay, whoever she is.
My Funny Bone Ain't Laughing
Well, it's finally happened. I've finally injured myself while telling a Lori-story. I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened before, given my klutz-status and penchant for telling so many long-ass-please-get-to-the-point stories. So last night I was telling a tale of Foxwoods and gambling and was in the process of demonstrating pulling the lever on a slot machine (why this needed to be demonstrated, I have no idea), and I basically forgot there was a living room table therer and I smashed my elbow into it. OWIE! I had tears forming in my eyes, which I casually blinked away and I continued with the story as if I hadn't just stupidly slammed my stupid elbow into the stupid table. Yup, I talked over even the embarassment. Okay, so maybe not as impressive as Kerri Strug (is that her name?) continuing in the Olympic gymnastics despite breaking her ankle, but in the non-athletic sport of telling stories, I was pretty amazed by my will to go on. My elbow and arm are severely bruised today. At first I thought that there was a tiny chance I had a hairline fracture or something as it hurt to move my wrist, and my pinky and ring fingers were numb, but I think I just banged it up good. I got it right on the bone, so what do I expect?
The photos are of me and Karin, and me and Clive at the Prime Party last Friday. Good times!