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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Saturday, September 28, 2002

Signs I Might Be Tired

  1. I start typing things phonetically (i.e. incorrectly) by accident, all the time.
  2. I accidentally e-mail things meant for other people, to myself.
  3. I think of a really hilarious quote on the way home from work and decide to create a silly/fun graphic in photoshop and actually work on said project for half an hour only to realise I've forgotten original funny quote, i.e. the whole frickin' POINT of the project.
  4. Despite item #3, I continue with project, deciding a point is not all that it's cracked up to be.
  5. Reading Kristen's blog about how she was depressed about watching 4 episodes of the Golden Girls in one day and feeling really jealous. I love that show and squealed when it came on when I was back in the States in July...(Kristen you have to send me those quizzes and I want to play the online game! Can I be Blanche's wayward daughter? The stupid one who thinks she's going to have 'natural childbirth'?)
  6. Waking up after little sleep, freaking out about how I'm going to be late for work, realise it's Saturday, and then remember that, oh yeah, I am going into work today. Doh!
  7. Falling asleep in the shower. I've done this before. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, I wake up, leaning against a wall of the shower, extremely grateful I didn't lean against the only side of the shower without a wall and crack my head open or something.
  8. Accidentally buying....oh god....wait for it...diet soda. EW! I was aiming for regular pepsi, bought what I thought was regular pepsi, walked outside, opened it, took a big gulp, and felt horrified at the lack of aftertaste/taste in general. How did I miss the huge screaming 'MAX' in PepsiMax??? Disgusting.
  9. Accidentally tattooing my boob. I was getting dressed and something blue caught my eye and I looked down and nearly screamed. What the hell? There was a blue tattoo on my boob! Had a slept through some sort of satanic cult tattooing ritual? Then I realised the tattoo looked familiar. I peered down at the blue stamp on my wrist from the Pacifier/Shihad show at the Metro on Wednesday. Some how, either in the shower, or while I was sleeping, I must have pressed my wrist up to my right boob as I have an identical (albeit sideways) 'tattoo' on the side of my boob. I t looks like I just spent some time in prison.

*yawn* Better go shower and get dressed. I'll try to stay awake in their and loofah the stamps off my wrist and boob.

Friday, September 27, 2002

And the Loser Lives On

Lori the Loser, that's me. It's 8pm, and what am I doing on my wild Friday night? I'm sitting in the office at work. D-O-R-K! I'm going to go home soonish...because I can work on much of this from there - woo-HOO!

I'm so fun and wild I can't take it anymore! And just when I think I can't get any more exciting, guess where I will be on Saturday and Sunday? You guessed it! Having more website fun! :-)

I'm not really bitter, just sleepy. ;-)

But I am going to go to the lovely Sal's b-day bash tomorrow night. Will be good to see everyone and I've promised Claudine I'd be her dance buddy.

Later taters!

Thursday, September 26, 2002

Silly Girl

I am a very silly girl. I wanted to take Tuesday off from work as a sick day because I felt fluey - the whole bad sore throat, headache, fever, achiness, thing, but it was bad timing as we had this huge website due on Thursday (today.) So I went in and worked most of the day Tuesday and all day Wednesday on the website only to find what I thought (what we all thought) was final work and copy was actually NOT final anything. It was too hard to sift through and look for petty or major differences. What was the quickest thing? Do it all over again. Start from scratch. About four times too, as this person working with us 'accidentally' wrote over my content, after I'd spent a good amount of time putting in the proper html, links, tables, etc. EXTREMELY frustrating!

Today was crazy. Felt ill, didn't have time for lunch, running around looking for things, trying to make sure it all got done. Thought I was going to pass out from tiredness. And of course I looked wonderful at work today, all unshowered and wearing the same clothes and undies as yesterday. Yuck. At first I was upset - thought I should have had things done/organised faster, but considering we did most of the site in about 24 hours, I guess it's not so bad! Luckily I always keep deodorant/perfume at work, that helped. I could have killed for a toothbrush though!

Okay, it's 9pm now on Thursday and I haven't slept since 7am on Wednesday. Worked till 6.30pm tonight. Am ready to fall into coma. Good night! :-)

p.s. This is why everyone always wanted me to be in their group for work projects @ Uni/school - because I'd end up doing everything. Same thing with me being "Editor" (notice the quirky quotations) of my high school yearbook. I have "sucker" and "perfectionist" and "insanely loyal worker" stamped on my head or something. ;-)

Hey, hey, hey! Still me! Still here! It's going on 7.30am now. I actually didn't doze off all night. Still plodding through the website content...oy, oy, oy. Am starting to feel verrrrry sleepy! Must keep going...must resist putting head down on desk.

I did go see Shihad last night, briefly. I left for like an hour and a half to go see them, then came back to work. Shihad were fantastic. Their new album does really well live and their oldies but goodies still kick ass. If that skinny little boy can rock that hard, maybe there's a chance for me!

Okay, back to work!

Hi again, it's 5.50am and I am still at work. The sun is out. :( I am eating Doritos and I've got a Kit-Kat waiting to go...still lots of work to be done!

Workin' It

Hi there. It's 3.15am and I am still at work. *sob* We have a site that's due tomorrow, so here we are chugging away. :(

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Yeah, Baby, Yeah!

Going to see Austin Powers: Goldmember tonight, finally! Yay! I warned my friends that I would be bringing in a chicken burrito to eat during the movie and if they had any problems with that, they should not sit next to me. What I mean by that is, I know some weird people who freak out if you eat anything other than 'normal' theatre stuff, i.e. popcorn, candy, ice cream during a film. I just don't get it. As long as I don't get it on you, who cares? Okay, Brian is going to kill me for putting up that pseudo-Austin Powers pic, but that is me as a pathetic Felicity Shagwell (unfortunately I've got nothing on Heather Graham, physically) and that's my homeboy Brian as the cute Austin. The photo still cracks me up after all these years. The CEOs watching us doing a photo-shoot on the roof in Boston and my father agonising over the length of my "dress" - "Why did it have to be that short??????????!" etc. etc.

Jorge's back in town - I had to hang out at his place last night waiting for him to arrive as I have the only keys to his apartment. We caught up and he made me jealous telling me stories about Europe...sigh...this is a pic of me and Jorge at my b-day dinner. Which reminds me I still haven't linked to my b-day photogallery. Ooopsies!

Ummmm, methinks me might be too old to pull the "don't come home until the sun is already up thing...." or maybe only if I can't sleep in properly the next day! ;-)

Sunday, September 22, 2002

Is That the Sun?

Okay, this is annoying. I hate trying to go to bed after the sun has already come up! I just arrived home from my Saturday night at 6.30am. What a bizarre night! It all started with just having a stroll down King Street, which included randomly running into Paulo, Rocky, Claudine, Mia, and Marvin. Then we danced to a weird cover band at the Marly Bar. As per usual, a lot of the grandpas seemed to like me. Two 20-something guys asked me to dance and I said I would be happy to dance, like next to them, but that I wouldn't dance with them. (i.e. hey, we can all have a dance on the dance floor, but don't touch me!). I had a good time dancing though, despite desperately trying to avoid eye contact with guys...

Later on we met some very interesting characters. A few tips for guys trying to hit on girls:

  1. Don't lie about your age. If you're a baby, just admit you're a baby and be done with it. We're going to find out eventually, and we usually know you're lying up front, which ensures you will never see us again.
  2. Don't blatantly stare at a girl's boobs when she's talking to you. A little subtlety goes a long way.
  3. Speaking to a gal for about 20 minutes does not automatically entitle you to the whole back/hair/waist touching thing. We understand that you are doing this so as to "mark your territory" as there are heaps of other guys around who might be trying to move in, but we're not trees, so don't piss on us.
  4. Don't act like an idiot and be an ass because a girl's not reciprocating romantic or lusty feelings and then act all shocked when she still doesn't want to hang out with you later on.
  5. Don't lie about what you do for a living. Much like the age thing, we're going to find out about it. And please, if you're going to tell a fib, at least make it sound plausible. Women like to believe you think they have an IQ about 80.
  6. Just take no for an answer.
    etc. etc

When the Marly closed we went to the Bank Hotel until they closed and then we ended up at the Town Hall and bumped into more people. All in all a very entertaining evening!

Good night!