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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Friday, October 08, 2004

No News Is Good News?

Welp, I've had a lot of people asking me, "So, what's happening with that visa of yours?" And I say, "N.F.I". No freakin' idea. :-D I have not heard a peep out of immi.gration. They did charge the credit cards, but that doesn't mean anything. They charge you before they actually look at your forms and it's no guarantee you'll get the visa and like with everything else they do, the fee is non-refundable. Yes, okay, so I'm still bitter that they charge $200+ bucks just for the medical exam for which you get to know NOTHING about. You don't get to see any of your results and I always try asking the nurse, "Hey, can you please just tell me how tall I am? Or can you tell me what I weigh these days?" And I get jack squat. Hmmmp! If only I was a nurse or a hairdresser, I'd never have a problem getting a visa here! ;-)

Was I thinking I would have heard something by now? Why, yes, yes I was. But I read that priority is given to people who applied online, and since I did it the old fashioned way, I must wait for a horse-drawn carriage to come along and deliver me the news. I just hope the messenger is cute. ;-)

Lots of stuff going on that is inappropriate for blogging, but since I last blogged I have taken part in some new(ish) activities...I've gone shopping for my bridesmaid dress with Claudine (I cannot begin to express how excited I am to finally be a bridesmaid!), I've showered by candle-light (due to losing all power in my apartment for about 18 hours), I've written stories about my crazy unconscious mind, I've been making some slow but steady progress on ye olde novel (which might be done before I'm 90 now), I've been to the beach (yay!), and I've actually gone to see some gigs - after quite an extended absence from the gigging scene. (Bad Lori!)

I am currently obsessed with the following songs: (links coming soon, I'm just feeling lazy right now)
"Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane. Actually, I am obsessed with their whole album.
"Relapse" by Little Birdy
"Don't Come Morning" by Genievive Maynard
"Lovers in Mexico" by Bertie Blackman
"All for Believing" and "Any Day Now" by Missy Higgins
"Taylor" and "Holes to Heaven" by Jack Johnson

In more non-exciting news, I bought myself a whiteboard after years of wanting one and getting inspired by Claud...and I am pleasantly surprised to learn that I am much more creative when brainstorming on a whiteboard than I am on paper. I currently have about 93 words/phrases relating to a topic I want to write more about tomorrow, that I came up with on the lil' whiteboard, in about 15 minutes tops. I should have bought one years ago! And for the record, I've only drawn one butterfly on it (so far!)

Work also has been crazy...right now it's all about working on the Alive Festivals which are FREE, so get along to them...will plug them properly soon, but I know people who love Regurgitator, Magic Dirt, 1200 Techniques, etc, so no excuses! :D