I Heart Harry Potter
Yes, I still love Harry. So much so that I felt compelled to dash to the bookstore to grab my pre-ordered copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix yesterday before leaving for Shay and Sal's wedding at 10.30am. I am mildly embarassed by this, but for the record, no, I would not have risked being late for the wedding to get this book. Harry was my date for the wedding as I didn't have time to go back home and drop him off before heading to the church. He was in my purse the whole time.
So I started the new Harry on Saturday evening and finished it by 8pm on Sunday. All in all, I estimate that it took about 10-11 hours for me to read the whole thing. I was distracted for a couple hours by Jorge who came to find me at Broadway and attempted to have a conversation with me while I was devouring Harry. I did actually pay attention to him and did not mention (much) that he was coming between me and Harry. :-)
I was a bit surprised about the ending, but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, so I'll shut up and just say that I did enjoy it immensely, I was very tense waiting to find out which character J.K. Rowling had to kill off in this book. Damn all the newspapers for letting that out - on every page I was like, "No! Not HIM/HER!" ;-) More about Harry later....now back to the REAL WORLD...
IN MUGGLE NEWS: Wedding Bells
HUGE congrats to Shay and Sal! Mr. & Mrs. at last! The ceremony was absolutely lovely, (my family would have loved it - very nice Irish Catholic wedding!), Sally was beyond gorgeous, Shay was dashing and handsome, the bridesaids and groomsmen looked fantastic, the Bishop was hilarious, and they couldn't have gotten better musicians for the wedding - the fabulous FourPlay played beautifully - especially some stunning Jeff Buckley. The reception was also superb - heaps of fun, indeed. I felt very honoured to witness it all - thanks, guys! Hope you're having an awesome honeymoon - *wink, wink, nudge nudge* :-)
IN MORE MUGGLE NEWS: Happy Birthday, Mum!
Happy Birthday to my Mum for Friday! I did remember her birthday on time, just didn't blog about it! My parents are currently in Las Vegas, hopefully quadruple-ing my inheritance @ the slot machines (kidding, kidding...doubling will do! ;-) Good luck, guys!
IN MORE MORE MUGGLE NEWS: I am a terrible daughter!
Happy Belated Father's Day, Dad! Um, yeah, so I'm a terrible daughter. I forgot to ring my father on Father's Day. I forgot Father's Day period. But it's not my fault! Australians don't celebrate Father's Day in June! It's in September here or something. Not that this is an acceptable excuse for my Dad, but, hey it's the truth! Sorry, Dad! :D