The Bus Blogs, Part 2: Ms. Hottie Hot Hotness
I was standing on the bus home from work when I couldn't help but overhear two ladies chatting just behind me. Lady #1 said, “You see, it was just never going to work out with Paul...he wanted a relationship with me, but I just wanted a fling.” Lady #2 replied, “Oh dear, of course he wanted you to be his girlfriend, but you just didn't want the commitment.”
Lady #1 become even more interesting to me as she announced, “You see, I am a very attractive person and I know that I am an attractive person.” Lady #2 chimed in, “Oh yes, you are very attractive, very attractive indeed.”
Of course I was dying to turn around and get a good look at Lady #1 who seemed so fond of herself, but turning around right at this moment seemed too obvious.
Lady #1 continued, “And you know what? Just knowing that I am a very attractive person actually makes me even moreattractive! There are very attractive people out there who have no idea they're attractive and this makes them less attractive. So I'm not going to apologise for being attractive, because I KNOW I am attractive and knowing I'm attractive actually makes me even more attractive!”
Lady #2 agreed. “Oh yes, confidence makes people even more attractive.”
I couldn't take it anymore. I had to see this Amazingly Attractive Woman (TM) immediately. I purposely let my bag slide off my shoulder and I gently turned around to bring the strap back over my shoulder. And I looked.
Hmmmp. Not to be mean, but Lady #1 was plain. Very plain. Perhaps painfully plain. But Lady #2 was even more plain, so of course she had to back the idea that Lady #1 was an absolute goddess. I know I'm not going to be winning any beauty contests anytime soon either, but then, I also don't go announcing my incredible attractiveness on a crowded bus.
Lady #1 just couldn't stop herself. She kept going and going. “I mean, I'm not just attractive, I am VERY attractive. And I know it. And I'm not going to apologise for knowing it. Knowing it only makes me more attractive.”
I actually started looking around for the hidden camera at this point, but alas, no luck.
Thankfully I had to get off the bus and didn't have to listen to any more gorgeous talk. But wherever they are, I'm sure Lady #1 and Lady #2 are still having the same conversation, both on and off the bus.
I was standing on the bus home from work when I couldn't help but overhear two ladies chatting just behind me. Lady #1 said, “You see, it was just never going to work out with Paul...he wanted a relationship with me, but I just wanted a fling.” Lady #2 replied, “Oh dear, of course he wanted you to be his girlfriend, but you just didn't want the commitment.”
Lady #1 become even more interesting to me as she announced, “You see, I am a very attractive person and I know that I am an attractive person.” Lady #2 chimed in, “Oh yes, you are very attractive, very attractive indeed.”
Of course I was dying to turn around and get a good look at Lady #1 who seemed so fond of herself, but turning around right at this moment seemed too obvious.
Lady #1 continued, “And you know what? Just knowing that I am a very attractive person actually makes me even moreattractive! There are very attractive people out there who have no idea they're attractive and this makes them less attractive. So I'm not going to apologise for being attractive, because I KNOW I am attractive and knowing I'm attractive actually makes me even more attractive!”
Lady #2 agreed. “Oh yes, confidence makes people even more attractive.”
I couldn't take it anymore. I had to see this Amazingly Attractive Woman (TM) immediately. I purposely let my bag slide off my shoulder and I gently turned around to bring the strap back over my shoulder. And I looked.
Hmmmp. Not to be mean, but Lady #1 was plain. Very plain. Perhaps painfully plain. But Lady #2 was even more plain, so of course she had to back the idea that Lady #1 was an absolute goddess. I know I'm not going to be winning any beauty contests anytime soon either, but then, I also don't go announcing my incredible attractiveness on a crowded bus.
Lady #1 just couldn't stop herself. She kept going and going. “I mean, I'm not just attractive, I am VERY attractive. And I know it. And I'm not going to apologise for knowing it. Knowing it only makes me more attractive.”
I actually started looking around for the hidden camera at this point, but alas, no luck.
Thankfully I had to get off the bus and didn't have to listen to any more gorgeous talk. But wherever they are, I'm sure Lady #1 and Lady #2 are still having the same conversation, both on and off the bus.