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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Friday, May 02, 2003

More ways to procrastinate from writing my novel...

Well, if I'm going to procrastinate from writing the old novel, at least I'll be doing it by writing. I got into my freelance journalism course - yay! It starts next week. It's always full whenever I try to register for it, but not this time, dammit! I've had ideas for articles floating around for ages and I'm hoping the deadlines for assignments set during the course (one every week) will motivate me to FINISH SOMETHING for once, dammit! And of course I'm doing this in 'crunch' time. I know it sounds silly, but I was hoping to have my first novel (ha!) finished (at least a draft of it) while I was still 25 and I'll be 26 in just over a month...and considering I'm NO WHERE close to that goal, of course I go and sign up for a class ;-) Typical Lori. Oh well, just gotta do the best I can.

In the meantime, if anyone has any burning questions to ask the comedian Jimeoin, hurry up and email me as I'm interviewing him tomorrow. Personally, I think he's just putting on the accent....kidding, kidding.

Oh, I had wonderful Spanish Tapas tonight at my favourite Tapas place in Glebe with Rammstein - yum! And thanks to the awesome Rammstein I now have a functional phone! YAYAYAYAYAY! It vibrates! I can hear callers in public! I can hear calls in public! I now have predictive text! I have a calendar/organiser! It's all very exciting! Of course I was trying to show off and send Rammstein a text message after he left and screwed it up and sent him 2 blank messages instead, so I have a bit more practicing to do....ooops!

Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Okay, I admit it, I am a pervert...

I tell you, if I could be anywhere right at this very moment, it would be in the Rove Live studios. I adore the adorable Rove McManus on his own, but who else is on tonight? Matthew "Dimples" McConnaughey. Okay, so acting isn't his strong point, but dimples go a long way with me. And even more exciting is - my beloved Hugh Jackman. *pine* I heart Hugh. Between him and James Marsden, I really don't care if X-Men 2 is total crap (not that I think it will be), but it would still be worth it just to perv on those two. However, it seems like Cyclops is getting majorly shafted this time around so no doubt I'll be drooling most over Wolverine. Oh, and wait, there's more on Rove tonight...the musical act is Audioslave. Sigh....I went to see Audioslave on Friday night @ the Hordern Pavilion. Absolutely fantastic. They may only have 3 songs, but 'Chris Cornell's Amazing Arms' put on a show of their own. The band played well, Chris sang well, and his biceps did a gorgeous mating dance across the stage. My friend Skot had to put up with me yelling for Chris Cornell to take off his shirt, but alas, he never did. :(

I swear I will put up my Byron Bay pics soon...I don't have too many, just some beach/waterfall shots, but hey, better than nothing. It was a lovely lazy weekend with some good food, good company, pretty scenery, and much better weather than rainy old Sydney!

Big thanks to Glenn, for being so sweet and thinking of me while in Adelaide over Easter. He found the Pilates for Dummies DVD I've been searching for and bought it for me as an early birthday present. And a huge belated thank you to Rammstein for the beautiful butterfly brooch from Turkey. I have been photographing some of my favourite butterfly collection items, so there were soon be pics of some b-fly shoes, the lovely brooch, my musical butterfly bath sponge, and no, sorry, no pics of the butterfly g-string, my funniest b-day gift from last year. ;-)

Monday, April 28, 2003

B-fly will return, after this commercial break...

B-fly FAQs

1. Are you still alive?
Yes. At least, I think so. ;-)
2. Did you have fun in Byron Bay?
Yes, yes I did. That I am sure of.
3. Was the 13-hour bus ride to and from Byron Bay horrible?
Pretty much.
4. So how did you survive it?
By trying to have an out-of-body-experience for 13 hours each way.
5. Was the fun you had in Byron Bay worth all the pain and suffering on the bus?
Yes, yes it was.
6. Will you ever take the bus to or from Byron Bay ever again?
No. And this time I mean it!
7. Did you run into your Leslie Nielson look alike?
No, thank goodness. And no one called me Lorraine. *shudder*
8. Why have you been so terrible about writing in your blog?
Because I'm lazy. Hello! Have I not made that clear time and time again?
9. When will you put up a proper blog update?
Um...tomorrow night....maybe?
10. Are you a compuslive liar?
No, of course not. ;-)

Sweet dreams! :D