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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Brain-dead and hungry

Lordy I am beat. Just spent three hours with a client, going over their website (it seemed like 1000 pages!) in painstaking detail, and this was after working on the site yesterday from 9.30am to 10pm and working on it about 80% of the day, every day for the last week. Lots of content, plenty of html, menu organising, and a shitload of image manipulation to remove unsightly backgrounds and other undesirable things. I didn't each lunch today cause I was busy working on the site (as I kept receiving more info for it until about 15 minutes before I had to leave for the meeting) and now I am STARVING! I need to not look at the site until tomorrow morning. I need a break! Must go get food!!!!

Sunday, June 08, 2003

The REAL Hardcore Gang Members

Okay, the official verdict is in - the last remaining HARDCORE troopers for Sal's Hen's Party and Shay's Bucks Party were: me, Claudine, Chad, and Bart. It is 7.30am and we all just got home. We just had breakfast at McDonalds because that's all that was open at 6.30am. Granted, Shay, Sal, and Chris and Chantal all left slightly earlier for good reasons, but I feel like the last 4 of us won Survivor or something!

Anyway, it was hilarious and fun evening and I look forward to seeing the pics. Lots more to blog about, but now me needs to sleep! I hate going to bed when it's light and sunny out!