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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

WOO HOO x Infinity

My sponsor.ship/nom.ination/visa.application is done!!! Hallelujah!

The last bit I needed to do was to get copies of my passport pages certified. I've been trying to do this for a week and everytime I went to the post office, I was told, "The man is not here!" Apparently every office only has like 1 or 2 people who can certify documents. I really did not think that THIS would be the thing to hold me up - I know people who could do this for me, but I was just like, "But it's so easy to just go to the post office!" Well, 4 post offices and many many attempts later...I finally got it happening today. They were like, "She'll be on the phone for a while, do you mind waiting?"

Hell no!

So then at lunch time I went to photocopy all 161 pages of documentation and the place I did the photocopying was tiny and I couldn't organise everything there, so I had to sit on a bench in a park on the way to the post office again to organise all parts of the application into nice little folders. I was praying for the pages to not go flying everywhere and my OCD was totally flaring up. The old dude on the bench next to me must have been thinking, "My god, this girl's obsessive compulsive disorder is really out of control!" I kept checking EVERYTHING ONE MORE TIME way too many times...I'm just paranoid!

Then, at the post office, I selected the absolute fastest (and of course most expensive) delivery method possible. The nice lady behind the counter pointed out that I could pay a third of the price if I just mailed it the normal way, but I was like, "My visa expires on Sunday - now is not the time to be cheap!" So imm.igration should have it in their hot little hands tomorrow around noon.

Of course this does not mean my application will be approved, but at least it's all IN! YAY!

Such a relief. *Happy dance*

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Visa Procrastination 101

This weekend I vowed to finish all my visa stuff...I have done some visa stuff, but I've spent much of the weekend procrastinating from working on it...here are some things I've done to avoid the paperwork:

  • painted my nails (fingers & toes)

  • read Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris (thanks, Kristen!)
  • did pilates

  • got my bangs/fringe cut

  • went to see Farenheit 9/11
  • called my parents (hi Mum & Dad)

  • watched Sex & the City

  • walked around the block

  • started playing one song off of many 90s CDs...Plush by Stone Temple Pilots, Under Pressure by David Bowie & Queen, Disarm by Smashing Pumpkins, Black by Pearl Jam, Lightning Crashes by Live, The Freshman by The Verve Pipe, etc. etc.
You get the point.

Bad Butterfly!

Anyhoo, it's way too exciting, as usual. I have to turn in all my paperwork this week or leave the country next weekend - no pressure! ;-)

Gotta get back to it...