Non-Smoking Sign
Just a quickie...going to see iOTA tonight at the Hopetoun, if it's not sold out. By special artist's request, the Hopetoun will be a non-smoking venue tonight. I'm so excited about this! I'd almost pay the cover just to experience one night of non-smoking goodness! Woo-hoo! Tomorrow morning I'm having brekkie with my old co-worker, Dion, his better half, and their new baby daughter. I'm very excited to meet the baby, though I don't sleep as well through the night as she does, so I hope I will be cheerful company. :)
Tomorrow night will possibly be a comedy night at the Enmore with Mowzez, followed by farewell drinks for Jorge, possibly followed by a birthday bash in Edgecliff. No idea if I will get to all three - we'll see.
Sunday I hope to do absolutely nothing (i.e. read, write, and lounge around in bed all day.)
Oh, I almost forgot to mention the coolest thing I've seen in ages...last night I caught up with Burgie @ the Excelsior. He told me funny tales about life in Korea and brought me cute packs of kleenex with little cartoon characters on them. As we were walking home to our neighbourhoods, we passed the mysterious project that has been going on in my neighbourhood for ages. That big 'dead end' or 'no through road' area next to the Broadway Hotel and the Barnibas (sp?) Church. They've been doing something there for ages and I just finally caught a glimpse last night. It says on the sidewalk, in beautiful lettering, Broadway: The Publican and the Priest. Andrew told me that apparently the Church used to put signs out front (they still do) with phrases like, "Better to be happy than rich" and the Broadway Hotel would put up a counter-sign saying something like, "Better to be happy and rich than happy and poor," etc. etc. I'm probably messing them up, but you get the point. Anyway, the sidewalk is full of Publican vs. Priest examples. It's quite beautiful, and cool and funny. I hope the taggers leave it alone, but that's wishful thinking! Anyway, great project, Sydney!
p.s. The pic is from the view of Tibidabo, the highest point in Barcelona. Someone had the brilliant idea of building a church and an amusement park on top of a mountain! I love it! :-)
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