And to think I thought wearing this blue lycra suit was embarassing. It looks downright stylish compared to that stupid neck collar. But that stupid neck collar is earning its keep, so I really can't complain too much about its incredibly sexy appearance.
So I took the day off from work today. Not because of my 'pain in the neck' neck but for something even more exciting. (And I swear I am not a hypochondriac.) I woke up several times in the night feeling very congested, and then around 4am I woke up coughing and wheezing and rattling. I know, chainsmokers probably don't find this at all impressive, but for a non-smoker like me, it was a tad disconcerting to not be able to breathe well. Plus, I had all that fun sneezing, itchy/scratchy, runny nose stuff going on too. The joy of allergies. I have no idea what set this reaction off. It would be hilarious if it turned out I was allergic to my neck collar! Ever notice how when you're having trouble breathing, and you start thinking about it, you have even more trouble breathing? Love that. Around 5.30am I accepted the fact that I am a 75-year-old 25-year-old trapped in the body of a 14-year-old. My immune system is just plain pathetic.
Anyhoo, I went to the doctor I failed the breath test all 7 times. The doc actually asked me if I was 'Really trying.' He said it in that tone of voice baseball coaches use when they tell their players that they 'throw like a girl.' Hrmph. So he thinks I either have asthma or that my bronchial tubes are inflamed due to my allergies. He gave me a puffer that I'm to take daily (that's an inhaler to you yanks) and he is going to monitor me weekly, so we'll see how we go. No improvement yet, but it's early and here's hoping that my bronchial passages aren't as stubborn as the rest of me! The doc had me use the puffer there in the office and then come back 45 mins later to see if there was any change. I failed the breath test again...if only I had studied harder! ;-)
Of course, I ran into someone I knew today. Poor Michael gave me the "Oh my god, were you in a car accident?" squeal. Obviously Michael doesn't know me well enough yet to know that nothing that logical or terrible would ever happen to me. I don't specialise in horrible or traumatic events - only dumb ones. Like, I wouldn't break a leg while sky-diving or skiing or something - nah, I'd be much more likely to break a bone while, I dunno, playing tag (No, I was not kidding about that yesterday - it really did happen!) Jorge came over to see me tonight and couldn't stop giggling. He kept making fun of how silly I looked. As long as everyone's laughing with me and not at me. :P