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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Friday, January 11, 2002

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Okay, so technically yesterday was my anniversary, but I'm always behind. ;) Yesterday, the 10th of January, was my 4 year anniversary of the first time I ever arrived in Australia. Yes, indeed, I first stepped on to Australian ground on January 10th, 1998. Four years ago! Can't believe it. Crazy, huh? Funnily enough, Kristen and I went to Broadway to get a few things (she and I are still sick as dogs and I actually had to take the day off from work today because I didn't sleep at all last night due to my horrible coughing fits) and we were crossing the street I looked behind us to see a big group of young-20-looking-somethings. I thought I heard Yankee accents. I immediately turned around and said to the "leader," - "Hey, are you guys on the B.U. program?" She looked surprised but said that they were. She was the one of the Resident's Assistants. I explained by saying I was on the B.U. program in '98. I just wanted to take the kids aside and tell them all the REAL places to go. The best restaurants, places for live music, places to travel etc. I remember that when I was doing the program in 1998, the previous students gave us crappy advice on where to go. They told us to go to Scruffy Murphy's for pete's sake! Bad, bad, bad. I'm going to call Kerry and Kevin, who run the program, and ask them if I can come speak to the little students and tell them the real places to go!

Quarter Acre is playing at Club 77 tonight and the Bacardi Festival is happening at Darling Harbour, but considering how I'm feeling I just want to stay in and go to bed with my box of kleenex and cough drops. Funnily enough I ran into Andrew from Quarter Acre tonight at Broadway. It's a small small world after all!

On a positive note, I treated myself to CDs that were on sale today. They were like 50% off. I got Tori Amos' Little Earthquakes which is my favourite CD of hers. I've only ever had it on cassette tape, so since it was like $12, I had to get it. I finally got The Strokes Is This It? (for half price!) so I can give my friend her CD back now. And finally, no purchase would be complete without a bit of 80s nostalgia. I actually bought Heart's Greatest Hits featuring gems like "What About Love," "If Looks Could Kill," "Never," "These Dreams," "Alone," "There's the Girl," "All I Wanna Do is Make Love to You" etc. These songs came out when I was like 8 and 9 years-old and they were actually a big influence on my attempts at arty love songwriting when I was 8-11 years old. If only I could have sung like the Wilson sisters. It was funny because I was just talking about them last night. We were discussing the Singles soundtrack and I was saying how I loved the Lovemonger's of the Led Zep song, "Battle of Evermore" and I said, "Hey, you know who the Lovemongers are? Those are the sisters from Heart!" And lo and behold, I find their greatest hits today. Too funny.

Off to cough!


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