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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Friday, January 11, 2002

The Inconvenient Convenience Store

So it finally happened. The guy who runs the convenience store near work finally asked me out today. I knew it was going to happen. He's been flirting with me for months and always tries to give me something free with every purchase, like a pack of gum or a chocolate or something. I always try to say no or give it back, but he just slips it into the bag. It's funny because he tries to be nonchalant about it, but everyone in line behind me can totally see him throwing in an extra bit of something. They look at me like, "Why does she get special treatment? Hmmmphhh!" Anyhoo, he always asks me what time I get out of work that night and I always say, "Oh, really late!" I didn't want to go in the store today, but I needed a phone card and there were no other options. So today he asked me out for coffee. I was about to say I had plans with my non-existent boyfriend, but just after I said, "Sorry, I have plans...." someone interrupted and I just yelled, "See ya!" and ski-daddled. He's the type of guy that would argue with me and try to convince me to go for coffee despite of a pesky boyfriend. I feel bad, next time I'll finish my sentence and somehow imply that my non-existent boyfriend is big and musce-ly and insanely jealous ;)

I'm a hacker, baby

I thought everyone would be glad to know that I am now officially a hacker. Not a computer hacker, but a coughing hacker. My co-workers must hate me. I spent 90% of the day coughing a lot. I'm changing my middle name to phlegm. Coughing fits are oh so attractive! My boss ordered me to leave at 4pm, probably because he was sick of hearing me cough, but I didn't leave until 5.30, which is probably the earliest I have ever left...ever. I have to say...being a hacker is totally overrated! ;)


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