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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Wednesday, January 09, 2002

The Drugs Don't Work

Have I become immune to over-the-counter cold & flu medicine? I went out and got the herbal stuff and the "kill-my-symptoms" stuff. Echinacea, vitamin c, zink, you name it. Nothing. Cough, cold, and flu medicine. Nothing. Cough syrup. Nothing. Don't worry - haven't been using them all at the same time, but I've tried 'em all and none of them have even made any difference. And more importantly, why do I continue to buy such crappy medicine that doesn't do anything. I've spent a good $50 in tissues, cough drops, cough syrup, echinacea, zinc, vitamin c, cold & flu pills. Silly really. Now, if I could just stay at home, I wouldn't care. But I have to go to work, so I need to not be coughing up a lung while on the phone with clients or blowing my nose in their ear. I look like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Very attractive. It feels weird to have the flu in this weather. It's hot.
Oh well, I'll stop whinging now, it's not a big deal, I just hate being sick when it's so nice out!

I have a medicine cabinet in my purse...and the darn drugs just don't work...


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