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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Sunday, November 25, 2001

Holy cow it is a hot one today - would have been an excellent beach day had I not had work to do...maybe next weekend. It is 5.30pm and it's currently 32.7 degrees Celsius, which is nearly 91 degrees Farenheit. And when you're in direct sunlight - hot! hot! hot! I really can't complain as I'd rather sweat than be shivering, but my apartment temperature is fine and comfortable, just have the fan going on low. I have to go swimming on days like this - hope to start going to the pool across the street in the next couple weeks and Kristen will give me a good excuse to start going to the beach in general. We're going to do the walk from Bondi to Coogee, but I think we should start in the morning this time ;) Last year we started the walk around sunset, so of course that meant we were walking in total darkness. We couldn't see where we were going and at one point realised, "hey, we're walking through a cemetary!" What followed was about 2 hours of inching through the pitch blackness ("Are we there yet?") and being followed by a mysterious man playing the bagpipes in the bushes. Now, I'm a big fan of Austin Powers, but I really didn't want to meet a "Fat Bastard" character in the middle of nowhere, at night, no less. Oh, those were the days! ;)

Okay, back to work for me, just had to do my weather upate. I keep saying how I won't be boring and comment on the weather, but I know my family actually likes to hear the weather comparison between here and the east coast of the U.S., so this is for you guys! ;)

The Glebe Street fair is happening today....excellent tribal music happening, I can still hear it from my apartment. I didn't stay too long and I refrained from buying things with butterflies on them. I am stunned by my willpower. It was very difficult to keep walking, but I did it ;)


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