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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

I had a yummy dinner with J and R tonight at a cute little classy restaurant on Elizabeth St. I had the barramundi on a bed of angel hair pasta and zucchini. MMM-MMM-GOOD! I am pathetic, I had one glass of wine with dinner and now I'm zonked. We were celebrating Thanksgiving early tonight and we all realised we have a lot to be thankful for. I'm mostly thankful for my family, friends, everyone's health, the fantastic opportunities I've been given this past year, and the amazing new people I've met over the last two years. It's hard sometimes having the people you love being spread out all over the world, over several continents, but then again, it can be pretty cool too.

This is just a quickie, I'm off to bed - early meeting with a client in the morning - woo-hoo!

One last thing, you know how annoying it is when you get a song in your head and you just can't get rid of it? Well, I have had one of my own songs stuck in my head non-stop for like the last month...trust me, there's nothing more annoying than being tortured by your own stuff! ;)


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