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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Sunday, November 25, 2001

Just got home....2.30am, not bad at all. Early night! Saw a super show at the Hopetoun Hotel. Headlining were Faker who put on yet another super show. Consistently contagious, cool, and danceable rocking tunes. The second band was The Feelerss, who really rubbed me the right way. Excellent set from them, I'm going to have to buy their album....good stuff!

I finally got to see the one and only Sir Milgram and the lovely Madame S, and the cool South-American sounding Irish Miss F and I also got to see my semi-regular gigging crowd, Andrew and Angela. Went with A + A to a toga party in Marickville after the show, finally redeeming myself after turning down too many invites from Andrew. You haven't lived until you've been in a bathroom with Angela and Andrew, creating Andrew's party costume. I was highly impressed with Angela's sheet stylings and the team-work those two had when creating a laurel tiara for Andrew out of a coat hanger and tral leaves, it was something of beauty. I really didn't help much, I pretty much just laughed at the two of them. I danced my butt off for about an hour. There was some good music going and there was a nice dance floor happening. Then Angela and I did the mature thing and left early so we could actually get work done tomorrow. We left Andrew to party on in our absence. I still smell like Angela now - she gave me some of her perfume, it goes fairly nicely with my vanilla.

All in all a very good night, but 2 lowlights:
1. On my way to the show, I decided to take a cab. Needed to get money from the ATM, so I went to catch a cab at Broadway. Nothing makes me happier than when I am blatantly standing on the sidewalk trying to hail a cab when a group of ignorant people look at me, notice I'm trying to hail a cab, and then walk like 20 feet ahead of me and try to hail a cab in front of me. This happens to me all the time, and there's not a whole lot to do really. I can either give them a nasty look or just walk to another corner, but there's no sense in getting upset. I have a good karma thing going. When I am trying to hail a cab and I notice someone already there, I go up to them and ask if they're trying to hail one. If they say yes, I politely stand behind them and wait for them to get one. They were there first, so that's that. I had no deadline tonight, so I wasn't particularly bothered by these kids. However, a miraculous thing happened tonight. After they kept looking over at me and snickering over how they were going to get a cab before me, they hailed a cab that looked like it was coming to them, and I hailed the one behind it. At the last second, their cab decided to blow them off and turn left and my cab sailed right by them and stopped in front of me. They were livid. Ha ha! Karma, baby, karma. So, this lowlight was actually a highlight.

2. Okay, this one really is a lowlight. I was up at the bar with F, waiting to order a drink and noticed the girl next to me light up a cigarette. I jokingly said, "Hey, let me know if my hair catches fire, will ya?" cause she was being all haphazard with her cigarette. And we laughed. And we waited. And I smiled. I smiled right up until I felt this horrible burning sensation in my arm. The dork burned my arm with her cigarette. She noticed she did it and moved the cigarette away, but too little, too late, honey. There's currently a bright red mark on my arm where it happened which I am hoping will fade away soon. Ah well, it's a dangerous world out there, folks. ;)

Sweet dreams!


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