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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Quotable Chatterbox

If there's something I never run out of, it's things to say and talk about. Yes, I am a big ol' chatterbox. Anybody who knows me knows that. So you can imagine what it must be like to interview me. I felt really bad for the Boston reporter who asked if she could interview me for the Bostonia, the Alumni Magazine for Boston University in the States. Poor woman had no idea what she was getting into. You can read the article about Hothouse Productions and Small Justice. I've only got a couple tiny snippets in there, but that's not what's meant to be exciting - the documentary is what it's all about, baby!

I have waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many things to blog about, but I have to get one Croc Hunter bit in here. I'd like to thank Glenn for freaking me out last week by telling me that Steve Irwin (yes, the Crock Hunter) died in a particularly venemous snake bite incident last year. I was horrified. I refused to believe it. And I just read an article about him in the Sydney Morning Herald and am happy to report my favourite little reptilian and amphibian loving spaz is alive and kicking. You've got to read the article though - I nearly peed my pants. I particularly enjoyed the bits about little American kids running around, going up to him yelling, "Crikey!" and "She's a bewdy!" Hahahahahhaha. Classic. My favourite part though had to be Steve's account of what went through his mind when he first met the woman he would later marry...he was giving her a tour of the zoo or whatnot and she whacked her head on a beam and didn't whinge about it...Steve said, ""I thought, 'Crikey, a sheila who loves wildlife and can take a good hit on the head, that's the woman for me!'" Ummmm, yeah, that's romantic! Is this why I've never had a boyfriend in Australia? Because I can't take a good blow to the head? ;)

But as I always say, "Whatever floats your boat." :)

Let's see, super duper quick update...yeah, so last Tuesday was Panic Room viewing, Thursday I had the infamous chicken tandoori pizza dinner with Rammstein and I swear I will never forget that we were there this time! (Shame about my Alzheimers, huh, Rammstein? :) Friday I actually took it easy and stayed in - way too tired to go out. Saturday was Kristen's 23rd birthday and it went off without a hitch, which is amazing for anything with K + I both involved! Seriously, it was a lovely and yummy night with Spanish tapas, flamenco dancers and tiramisu cake! Happy Birthday, Kristen!

This week has been insane on lots of levels, though I did have a great dinner with David on Monday, and tomorrow night the whole gang is going to see Alex Lloyd. Saturday we're going to attempt the pilgrimage to Chillis again - dear god may there be no natural disaster this time. I might bring my video camera to record the incidents that are bound to happen.

Special thanks to David H, Steve, David L, and Doug for really coming through for me this week! You guys rock!


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