Okay, I'm back. BIG thanks to Craig for the invite to the FMR shindig at Bar Broadway this evening. We were greated with polaroids as name-tags, complete with glowsticks. Let me tell you, putting that glowstick in my purse was a great idea - I could find everything! :) We saw Anelle (sp?), Motor Ace, gEORGE...all very cool, especially gEORGE. Just got their CD on the weekend, it's excellent. Oh to be able to sing even 1/100th as well as Katie or Tyrone Noonan....damn they can belt it out! Oh, and I felt bad for all the waiters serving the food - they looked insulted when people refused every now and then, as if they'd made it themselves. I wonder if they got paid by the number of items served? In any case, I can vouch for the spring rolls and the hot dogs. Two thumbs up. Thanks to the Machine Gun Fellatio boys for a fun chat - see you at Manning Bar! ;)
After Bar Broadway, we headed to Metro to see the last two hours of Spearhead. They were great fun. I got some good dancing in. Big thanks to the dude who managed to spill beer all over my feet and pants...cause my feet were gettiing kinda hot and I just needed a cool down! (Kidding). Note to people who bring big-ass scratchy back-packs to gigs and wear them AND insist on dancing and moving around a lot. Guess what? Every time you feel me, I feel your bag 100x more. I tried to be nice and stick out my elbow a bit to emphasise my presence, but when that didn't work, I kept violently jabbing this dude's bag with my elbow. He kept giving me dirty looks, as if I was getting in the way of his amazing dance moves. Puh-lease. Respect the space of those around you, homeboy! I was just standing there, not moving or dancing (Cause there was no room), minding my own business, but your bastard bag kept knocking me in the arm/head. I ended up moving to the back so I could see and dance and not bother those around me. Gig etiquette! :) Don't worry, I'm not really whinging...I'm laughing too hard to whinge...though I do believe in gig etiquette, yessiree! Michael Franti should sing a song about that...then the people would listen!
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