Went to bed early - around 1.30am- woo-hoo. I kept having nightmares. And around 5am I woke up from some nightmare - can't remember what - and I was whispering, 'oh my god, we're in trouble!' Then I realised that I felt nauseous. Really nauseous. You know that denial you get when you feel really ill but you try to convince yourself you're not going to be sick? So I tried being in denial for about 10 minutes, then I ran to the bathroom. I was sitting there going, 'No! I can't be sick!' I can't remember the last time I threw up. At least a year and a half, maybe 2 years ago? At least? I can't remember. Anyhoo, I puked about 10 times (aren't you guys glad you're reading this!) and then I took a shower cause I felt so nasty. In the shower, I realise...."Hmmm, I still feel really nauseous" and just hunched over for a half hour and proceeded to puke about 10 more times. Yuck. So I'm guessing it might have been the steak as I hadn't had anything else that was suspect and all I drank all night was coke and water. The steak was cooked well and tasted great, but maybe the red meat just killed me. Though it's only been a month since I last had meat. Last time I went several months without red meat, I felt ill after I had some ground beef, but I didn't actually get sick. I'll have to make an effor to eat it more often. Anyway, I'm fine now, just really tired from the whole thing, taking it easy on my tummy. I can't believe I just wrote about puking. Nasty. Sorry about that.
Anyhoo, I got to see Miss Angela this weekend - on her trip home to Sydney for the weekend. It was really good to see her, albeit briefly. I gave her the contact info of a couple Melbourne friends of mine - hopefully they can all go gigging soon!
Tonight, I made the pilgrimage to Yagoona (yes, that's PAST Bankstown, I can't believe it!) via train for Evelyn's birthday dinner. It's a story of all its own and unfortunately my computer is about to die again, so it'll have to wait untill tomorrow, if my computer is working. It took about 14 tries to get it started tonight...which is pretty good these days! Needless to say, Yagoona's finest came out to greet me when I arrived...details to come...
*note to myself, discuss the 'September 11th' book section I saw at the bookstore yesterday...disturbing..
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