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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Friday, November 09, 2001

I watched my first Search For a Supermodel show tonight. It was the final one. I had mixed feelings about this. For those who don't know, it's this competition where Australian girls (And they really were girls, not women, many were 14-15) compete to be the Australian Supermodel of the Year by Katie Ford. The winner goes on to compete globally. I have nothing against the girls. They were all very pretty and beautiful and seemed very nice and supportive of each other but the whole thing just rubs me the wrong way. I think one of the designers said "A model's job is to make people happy." Now, I could launch into my whole preachy thing on how no one can really make us happy ---we're all responsible for our own happiness. Granted, there are people that we get along with very well who are easier to be happy with/around, etc. But in the end, no one can make us happy or unhappy unless we let them. Okay, so much for me not being preachy. ;)

There are lots of entertainers in the world. Musicians play music, artists make things, clowns do funny things, etc....models entertain by.....looking good? Now, I'll be the first to admit that I could never be a model by anyone's standards, so this isn't some "ugly girl pissed off at the world" rant. I just can't imagine what it would be like to be Katie Ford. Think about it. Her job is to judge people by the most superficial traits they have. How twisted is that? I know, I know, it's an "industry" and a "business" but I still think it's creepy. I was so annoyed at hearing her and everyone else spitting out garbage like, "You CANNOT be shorter than 5.9,'' "You CANNOT have really short hair," "You CANNOT have stretch marks," "You CANNOT have a fat ass" etc. etc. And the reason why you "can't be" a lot of these things is because you "won't fit designers' clothes." Well, geez. Why don't designers just make clothes for normal sized people? It's ridiculous because fads come and go and styles come and go, and society could learn to tolerate short people and people with bigger butts, and people who are larger than a Barbie doll, as normal people, attractive people.

And we all know that airbrushing erases stretchmarks. I guess I just don't like the idea of defining what is attractive because girls/women who are into the modelling thing take it very seriously. Defining a "standard" of attractiveness is weird to me. I understand that there are certain things that perhaps the majority of the population go for, but it's freaking 2001. I'm much more into "to each his/her own," "we all come in different shapes/sizes" thing. We're all attracted to different things. I guess I'm just tired of the stupid cookie-cutter crap. Anyhoo I just hope none of the contestants goes home feeling worthless because Katie told her she was too short or her hair wasn't long enough.

'Nite! :)


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