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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The State of Denial

Stupid Monkey-face George Dubya Bush. While Dubya is celebrating what would be his first actual presidential victory (if he actually wins), I might be a Massachusetts gal but I'm currently in the State of Denial. :-(

A few bitter comments:
1) If New Hampshire did not elect John Kerry, I was getting ready to start a petition to officially remove this state from New England.
2) Florida...yeah whatever...thousands of ballots gone missing, who knows how many thousands of absentee ballots not yet arrived, dodgy voting booths, you name it - as if anyone would trust Florida again!
3) Bless you, California!
4) Land-locked states SUCK.
5) The South SUCKS.
6) The mid-west SUCKS.
7) Um, Alaska, I know you barely count, but what's wrong with you? You're not land-locked, you're not in the South, you're not in the mid-west. You're practically Canadian and I think Canadians would have voted for Kerry.
8) Ohio, I know I've never appreciated you in the past, but COME ON! I'm having my grandmother vote that Ohio will miraculously come through in absentee ballots. She's great at praying.

I spoke to my grandmother on Sunday and she said she's praying for Kerry to win and for me to find a husband. I told her I thought Kerry should come first. :-D

This is so sad:
"Still, this being America, anything is possible. This is a country, never forget, where 11 per cent of young adults can't locate the Pacific Ocean on a map, where nearly half of all adults and a quarter of university graduates believe that the Earth was created in seven days, by God, sometime in the past 10,000 years, and where 20 per cent of adults evidently believe that Saddam Hussein not only had weapons of mass destruction but used them on us."
- Bill Bryson

Check out the full Bill Bryson article. Love him to bits.

I think it's time to work on becoming an American refugee in Oz. :-(


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