I could write a book on the pick-up lines and strategies that I've heard in my day that will never and should never work, at least if there is anything truly good and just in this world. Lately, I've heard an earful and an eyeful and I am amazed by the material that has helped these people get where they are today. They're not 18, so you would think they are using things they've had success with in the past. *Shuddering* Who the hell are these women that let these guys get away with this! They need to be smacked! I need K to help me 'put the smack-down' on them, but she's going to be a little too busy moving. (You go, girl!) I really want to post some examples here in my blog, but I'm afraid someone might see them and use them. And I would feel horrible about that...but maybe I'll change my mind and put them up tomorrow. To give you an idea, I typed some up and passed them on to my co-workers, who printed them out to take home to their girlfriends so they could all have a good laugh. Yes, they're that bad.

Thanks to my Baby J, I've finally got 2 pics from...*sigh* Barcelona....the first is of Javier and I in front of La Sagrada Familia and the second is of David and I in front of, yes, you guessed it, La Sagrada Familia. What an amazing building. It's a church, a work of art, a place of worship (even if you don't worship at the alter of any deities, you'll want to bow down in big 'I'm not worthy' fashion when you see this place in person!).
Last night we celebrated Ray, Jorge, and Heather's birthday - happy b-day, guys! We went to Wagamama's....it was the easiest one to find yet. We hunted for the one in London for hours and by the time we found it, we had to leave. We hunted for the one in Dublin for hours and finally got in. Sydney's is the most reasonably locateable! Food was yummy, juices yummy, cake was yummy. And now I'm starving, so I'm off...
p.s. Thanks to Skot for being the first to tip me off....I can't wait to hear what my old teacher for Chaos Theory (a quantum physicist) thinks about this...looks like The Speed of Light may not be so constant after all. Who knows? It will be pretty funny if it's not constant - no offense to Einstein of course. I used to be a biology major, and I had to take my fair share of chemistry, calculus, physics and the like and that's what kills me about the 'pure' sciences - that most people take everything way too seriously. As my tough but wise Statistics professor used to say, "Science isn't the truth, it's just the best answers we have today." Amen, sister. Lots of things we know right now might be proved false in just a few years time, so we can't get too cocky...hehe e=mc squared, baby!
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