What is a stupid nightmare in B-fly Land? I classify a stupid nightmare as a dream involving something I simply should not be worrying about anymore. I've had terrible reoccuring nightmares about being kidnapped, chased, hunted, followed, stalked, you name it. They're terrifying and they suck, but hey, they happen. What I should not be having nightmares about are forgetting to hand in school assignments! I'm 25! I graduated from high school SEVEN years ago! I have some Uni nightmares, where I forget to go to some class class, all semester, and find out that I'm not graduating - yeah right, but that was over THREE years ago. The highschool/junior highschool ones especially drive me insane. Granted, many of my teachers were a piece of work, but still. Why am I having bad dreams about forgetting to hand in homework assignments from the 8th grade? That's just a waste of a nightmare. I'm not saying I prefer dreams where someone is chasing me with the intent to kill me, but if I wake up with my heart-pounding, it better be for something bigger (or better!) than a lost homework assignment!
Recently I've been having nightmares about PHP and HTML. It's dumb, but I'll have be more worried if/when I start dreaming in PHP and HTML. < / sarcasm> ;-)
Photo from today is another view from Tibidabo, Barcelona and yesterday's pic is of the Cactus Gardens, Barcelona.
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