Roach Counts
You know, I just have to say that the Roach Counts Kristen keeps track of on her blog aren't as amusing anymore now that she's staying with me. :( Yikes! At least I know what I'm getting into when I go home! :-)
KFC Runs
I never go to KFC. I've been there maybe 2x in 2.5 years and I rarely went in the U.S. except for quick mashed potato and gravy and BISCUIT (mmmmmm!) runs, but last night I had a craving. I was walking home from work, though Central and I figured I'd stop at the grocery store on the way home, when all of a sudden the smell of chicken hit me. Must have it! I rang Kristen to see if she wanted anything and I had to hold the phone away from my ear as the poor hungry dear was squealing! 5 pieces of chicken and two tubs of mashed potatoes and gravy later, we were happily full....and thanks to Rammstein, I had to try the Popcorn chicken tonight. Yum!

All you crazy kids and grown-ups (Hi, Auntie Kate!) keep inquiring about the status of ye olde Visa card. You know I love you guys, but I honestly don't have any new news! HUGE thanks to Sal and Shay for being so incredibly sweet, particularly today. I am sincerely touched by your concern and I appreciate your help! You guys rock! :-)
The Drugs
I can't remember if I already blogged about The Drugs' new EP, The Bold & The Beautiful, probably because I'm senile as all hell, but in any case, it absolutely rocks. I LOVE it - it cracks me up every time and I've heard it about 400 times! You can purchase the single from RubberRecords. Excellent value for your money! It's funny and contagious. I also just found out that I'm in the video for the single, "The Bold & the Beautiful." Woo-hoo! It's funny cause I had a dream that I asked if I could be in it, and what do you know? Sometimes dreams do come true! The Drugs are touring VIC now, but they'll be back in Sydney on June 1st @ the Annandale. I highly recommend!
p.s. The pics are from the Bridge Climb we did on Sunday - still have the group photo and the photo with the Opera House behind us coming - how could we resist? Can you beat the view? Can you??? ;)
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