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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Thursday, February 21, 2002

Geez, Louise, What is it with Me & Keys?

Oh for the love of God! It's after 8pm, and I'm still here at work. I thought I was leaving a little while ago but guess who just realised she doesn't have her work keys on her and can't leave because she can't lock the office door? DOH!

Wes doesn't have keys period and I thought I had mine and just found out I don't. Oy. So Wes is off getting keys off of Dion who lives the closest and I'm guarding the ship. I just locked up the office yesterday. I'm guessing my work keys are in the pants pocket of the jeans I wore yesterday. Yup, that's what I would do....*thinking of supergluing all necessary keys to my body* I guess it's good I have my house keys and work keys on separate chains...so I will always be able to get in somewhere!

After we lock up, I will be heading off to an unknown movie at Broadway. Very mysterious! C and I are going to do eeenie meanie minie moe!

Congrats to Fidelma on finding a flat! Yay!

And even more congrats to my cousin Rob for getting into college with a scholarship! Yeah, baby, yeah! :) I'm verrrrrrry proud of you, kiddo!


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