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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Sunday, December 16, 2001

Goddesses and all

Didn't leave the apartment until 3pm, got up at noon, though I kept waking up this morning etc. Went to go see Nick Hanlon & the Goddesses at The Basement. The sets were excellent. It was a moving, exciting, and relaxing experience. I took lots of notes, so hopefully my review will be ready within the next day or so. It was great to just be there and be in the moment and just concentrate on the music, but every now and then my mind wandered a lot. A whole lot. I started daydreaming about some of the most random and important things. I wrote some of my own song lyrics and got some ideas for writing pieces etc, which I'll discuss tomorrow probably. For now I'm just putting up some photos and I'll have my corny "deep thoughts" comments tomorrow ;)

So here they are, the ever exciting Xmas party pics! Up top, Kristen, Ruth, me and Jo's lovely friend whose name escapes me! Ooops! On the couch, me, Ruth, and Kristen, of course. I've got more pics of Jo and Ruth, but I'll post those later on. I've also posted some new funny pics from Homebake down below. Scroll down to December 8th to see 'em.

Typical Lori story: After the gig tonight, I walked to the bus stop on Geore St. @ Circular Quay and rang Kristen to let her know I was on my way home. Then I proceeded to daydream. Really hard. I vaguely spotted a Glebe Point Road bus in the next batch of approaching buses coming down the street. And went back to daydreaming. So the buses arrive and I hop on and everything is a-ok until we get to the QVB and the bus suddenly starts to veer to the right. It's turning right instead of going straight like it's supposed. I look behind me wildly to see the Glebe Point Road bus behind us. Doh! I ask the guy next to me where this bus is going. Five Dock, via Pyrmont. Hey, hey! Stupid Lori has gotten on the wrong bus. I live in such a little dreamworld, I'm surprised I haven't done it before, actually. So, the next thing I know, we're on the freeway and I am trying to figure out where the next stop will be so I can get off. I got off in Pyrmont and was too stubborn to get a cab and ended up walking home. It only took about 35 minutes and it was still light out, and frankly, I needed the exercise. I thought I knew where I was, and got more confident as I went, and I got home fine with no problems. My friend Lonny will enjoy this story (if he's reading!) because we'll never forget the time he tried to get my attention in the halls of Boston University's College of Communications and had to yell out my name 10 times and I didn't notice him until he was 1 inch from my face. Daydreamer, that's me...


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