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B-Fly: An Oz Blog

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

Okay, so I'm back and blogging again, kinda. This template I'm using is temporary, until I actually have time to do something to repair the damage I did tonight. ;)

Today was Melbourne Cup day, or as one cool chick likes to call it, "The Race That Stops A Nation." For those non-Aussies, reading, it's a big ol' horse race. It's also just another great reason to piss off to the pub for the arvo, and the incredible ability of finding excuses to stop working to go to the pub is just one of the many reasons why I respect Australians. (*Notice my use of the phrase "Piss off to the pub for the arvo" - that means, "Shrug off work to go to a bar for the afternoon" for all those Springfieldians out there.) Unfortunately I cannot pull off such a phrase as well verbally. I type it much better than I can say it. But I'm working on it.

So how the hell do I catch up? Way too much to cover...let's see... Went to see Legally Blonde last week. It was hilarious. Fun, easy, cute little movie. Reese Witherspoon is just adorable, and I did think of you, Kristen. ;)

I've seen some great gigs lately, including the infamous ESN, whom I'll always love even though their bass player/singer sent me a nasty computer virus (by accident) ;) I also urge people to go see up&comers, QuarterAcre, who have no website yet, but they've had some great shows lately. I expect good things from them in the near future. And you really should get along to see The Drugs for a hilarious night. And if you're up at 4am, watching Rage, you might see me. I am an extra in "Pam & Sam" and I've had several people tell me they saw me in the video, and I never warned them I was in it. I'm wearing a leopard print tank top and I'm head-banging in the mosh pit, so look for my hair. ;) I just recently saw the video for the first time and I look about 12, but oh well. I was never afraid to look like a dork for friends' sakes ;) And, of course, get yourself to see Faker while you're at it. These guys have some catchy songs that will stay in your head for ages.

I'm excited because tomorrow I'm going to be signing up for a little "writing retreat" for this weekend. I'll still be in Sydney, but I'll be spending 9am-5pm on Saturday and Sunday writing my butt off, I hope. They're going to cover all sorts of things, including how to get over procrastination, avoidance, and writer's block, and they'll be teaching helpful Buddhists' philosophies for writers. I'm looking forward to it. Only bummer is I'll miss a good portion of the Newtown Festival, but no pain, no gain! Then the following weekend, I'll be taking a meditation seminar. I know, I sound like I'm turning into some sort of new agey freak, but I'm into trying different things at the moment. I've done the Tai Chi, which I loved, and want to continue with sometime soon, and now I'm eager to give meditation a whirl. My mind races non-stop, I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about things I have to do the next day, it's all a bit silly, really. I have my own relaxation techniques, but it can't hurt to learn some more tricks that have been used thousands of years. I suppose I'll have to sign up for Yoga next, just to keep up with my touchy feely spiritual self. Oprah would be so proud. ;)

Also going to run down to The Metro tomorrow to grab some tix for the John Butler Trio show next Wednesday. Friday night has sold out, so I wanna get in quick. They were amazing last time I saw them (June and then John solo in July) so I'm verrrrrrrrry excited. Last time I saw 'em I wanted to go home and really play my guitar until my fingers bled, so I'm hoping this show will have the same effect.

I guess my other big news is that I have a new "pseudo-stalker." Most (i.e. none) of my friends will be particularly surprised by this. I attract weirdos all the time. But this guy is quite the character. Unfortunately he's grown annoying lately by ringing me at work and mailing me items that indicate he just has way too much free time on his hands. In any case, one good thing has come out of this. I have a new idea for a script based on his antics, so that's something. I can find inspiration in the unlikeliest of places.

Sweet dreams!


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