Flown the Coop
Well, the parental units are heading back towards the U.S. as I type this. Can't believe their time here is already over. We survived and we're all speaking to each other, though my father has downgraded my apartment from 1 star to negative 8 stars. Though I don't feel that it's entirely fair as the ratings often had to do with my behaviour and appliances rather than the apartment itself. Like, when I failed to put mints on their pillows, I lost a star. And when the small fan my father bought for my bathroom three years ago wasn't still there, I think I lost two more stars. (How dare I bring it to work 3 years later! Bad Lori! ;-) My parents are both scared about what I blogged about them while they were here - I wouldn't let them read it - hahahhaha ;-)

So I had a ton of errands to run today and chores around the -8 star motel to complete after my parents left. One of them was to go to the bank to drop off my bags o' change. My parents helped me put all my loose change that I've been collecting for ages into the bank bags. These bags are a lot less annoying than the coin rolls in the U.S. You just count the change and pile them in. It took quite a while and I had about $85 - woo-hoo! So I carried the bags in my purse and it was damn heavy, but I was pleased to be depositing some cash into my bank account. Well, guess what? Westpac isn't into 'high-tech' tools for banking. The teller told me that their scales couldn't measure the bags of 5 and 10 cent pieces properly. Huh? It always measured them less than the correct amounts. Um, sorry? She told me to go home and only put $2 (instead of $5) of 5 cent pieces in each bag and only $4 (instead of $10) of 10 cent pieces into each bag OR she could count it out for me there and charge me $1 per minute of counting even though I'd bagged the coins just like I was supposed to. Um, WHAT? How freaking stupid is that? I wanted to be like, why don't you go to Star City and purchase one of their scales/coin counting machines? Casinos are 1000x better equipped! It's a bank for pete's sake, and they aren't prepared to count money properly? I wasn't mad, just amazed at how dumb the whole thing was. I mean, all their change bags tell people to do something they're not prepared for. How hilarious is that? Mind you, thanks to my parents, the gambling addicts, I have spent a lot of time in casinos lately, in Sydney and Cairns, and so that's why I thought about them and how they're quite competent in the $ counting area. Maybe Star City can sponsor Westpac or something ;-) In any case, I had to bring half my money bags home. Oh well. I'll re-bag 'em eventually!
Stupid White Men
Okay, I wish I was getting commission for promoting Michael Moore's awesome Stupid White Men - I've been telling everyone I know (And even people I don't know) about it for the last couple months - raving on and on about how smart and hilarious and gripping it is. I don't normally try to force books onto people, but I cannot help myself when it comes to SWM. In any case, speaking of Stupid White Men, I'm watching the Grammy's and Fred Durst just pulled a Dubya. I'm not exactly sure what he said, I mean, I could have been distracted by his stupidity and vacant look and just misheard him, but it sounded like he said something like, "I think we're all in 'agreeance' that this war needs to be over as soon as possible." Dumbass. Yeah, well, I think we're all in 'agreeance' that Fred is an idiot. That statement is so dumb on so many levels, I just don't have the energy to get into it. ;-)
Back to work tomorrow....sigh....I feel so disoriented! My body can't tell what day of the week it feels like, and I'll probably wake up tomorrow and poke my head out the door and ask my empty living room if everyone's taken their shower yet. ;-)
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