Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I'm behind in blogging for the umpteenth time as usual. I suck, I know. But in the meantime, here are way too many pics from our Cairns Photogallery. ;-) Highlights (for me, anyway) include some (what else?) butterfly pics from Oz Butterfly Sanctuary, some views from the Kuranda sky-rail, pics of my dad's muddy socks/shoes from our rainforest adventure, me looking like a smurf or a Blue Man Group wannabe in my blue wetsuit, some coral/fish shots of Aguincourt Reef, me in the bikini I thought would give my dad a stroke, and my dad and I pretending to work out at the gym in our resort. :-)

p.s. I spoke to Miss Kristikeet last night and she was very pleased to know that my mother has taken a liking to her use of "meatloaf" to replace her sailor language. My mum has been trying to use it and I throw a meatloaf in my conversation every now and then, just to spice things up!
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