I'm not Angelina frickin' Jolie, so what gives?
I was walking to work the other day and I was waiting to cross the street at Railway Square. There was this skinny guy next to me, probably in his 40s, tattoos all over him, sunglasses. He pulled his sunnies down to the tip of his nose and was totally looking me up and down (hello, don't try to be subtle or anything!) and he was looking at my boobs and looking down my legs and he actually stuck his head way back to check out my ass! Hahahahahaha! Smooth! I was dying to say something like, "Um, can I help you?" but I didn't want to actually talk to the guy so I just pretended like I didn't notice. Finally, he moves over and sticks his head right in front of my face and says, "Hello! You have VERY nice lips!"
I started cracking up and I was like, "Okay.. well, thanks!" And the green guy came on, so I just walked across the street. I couldn't stop laughing. People must have thought I was crazy - some silly girl laughing at nothing, by herself! ;-)
Who the hell goes up to complete strangers to tell them they have nice lips? Too funny. Actually I've had something similar happen a couple times, and it always cracks me up! The one time it did not crack me up was when I was in a taxi and looking for exact change for an $8 fair and the 20-something taxi driver looked at me and said in a low creepy voice. "You have very sexy lips. I would very much like to kiss them." Ewwww! So I handed him a $10 note and just got the hell out of there, going, "Keep the change, buddy!"
Anyway, I find it a bit odd, as I'm no Angelina Jolie. Now she's got some lips on her! Don't get me wrong, I am extremely happy with my own lips, but it's like some people see my lips through a fun-house mirror and they appear to be bigger than they actually are in reality. Maybe it's all just an optical illusion because puny white girls like me are supposed to have skinny lips? ;-)
I just remembered another hilarious lip incident. I'm not sure if I've blogged about this before, but it was in 2001, just after September 11th, and this really drunk girl I didn't know came up to me and some friends I was standing with and she started ranting and raving about how she worked with all these M.uslims in some Sydney hotel and how they were probably all t.errorists and we all just stared at her since she was obviously an idiot and had no idea what she was talking about. Then she started raving about O.sama b.in L.aden and starts going on to the effect of, "Who do these terrorists think they are flying their planes in buildings and killing people and....(staring at me) jesus $%@#*&* christ, you have the biggest lips I've ever seen in my life!" That's right, my lips actually distracted her from her ridiculous drunken rant. They're not as big as some people seem to think they are, but they can be pretty damn powerful anyway ;-)
I was walking to work the other day and I was waiting to cross the street at Railway Square. There was this skinny guy next to me, probably in his 40s, tattoos all over him, sunglasses. He pulled his sunnies down to the tip of his nose and was totally looking me up and down (hello, don't try to be subtle or anything!) and he was looking at my boobs and looking down my legs and he actually stuck his head way back to check out my ass! Hahahahahaha! Smooth! I was dying to say something like, "Um, can I help you?" but I didn't want to actually talk to the guy so I just pretended like I didn't notice. Finally, he moves over and sticks his head right in front of my face and says, "Hello! You have VERY nice lips!"
I started cracking up and I was like, "Okay.. well, thanks!" And the green guy came on, so I just walked across the street. I couldn't stop laughing. People must have thought I was crazy - some silly girl laughing at nothing, by herself! ;-)
Who the hell goes up to complete strangers to tell them they have nice lips? Too funny. Actually I've had something similar happen a couple times, and it always cracks me up! The one time it did not crack me up was when I was in a taxi and looking for exact change for an $8 fair and the 20-something taxi driver looked at me and said in a low creepy voice. "You have very sexy lips. I would very much like to kiss them." Ewwww! So I handed him a $10 note and just got the hell out of there, going, "Keep the change, buddy!"
Anyway, I find it a bit odd, as I'm no Angelina Jolie. Now she's got some lips on her! Don't get me wrong, I am extremely happy with my own lips, but it's like some people see my lips through a fun-house mirror and they appear to be bigger than they actually are in reality. Maybe it's all just an optical illusion because puny white girls like me are supposed to have skinny lips? ;-)
I just remembered another hilarious lip incident. I'm not sure if I've blogged about this before, but it was in 2001, just after September 11th, and this really drunk girl I didn't know came up to me and some friends I was standing with and she started ranting and raving about how she worked with all these M.uslims in some Sydney hotel and how they were probably all t.errorists and we all just stared at her since she was obviously an idiot and had no idea what she was talking about. Then she started raving about O.sama b.in L.aden and starts going on to the effect of, "Who do these terrorists think they are flying their planes in buildings and killing people and....(staring at me) jesus $%@#*&* christ, you have the biggest lips I've ever seen in my life!" That's right, my lips actually distracted her from her ridiculous drunken rant. They're not as big as some people seem to think they are, but they can be pretty damn powerful anyway ;-)
Mmmm, lips.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 24, 2005 1:48:00 AM
Wow strange story, lol
Kassandra, at Friday, December 02, 2005 12:20:00 PM
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