Check out my photogallery/slideshow for my Christmas in Perth/Western Oz and New Years in Sydney. You can wait for the slideshow, or if you're in a hurry, just click on the little thumbnail on the side to view the pic you want.
I've got three things to thank for getting me out on NYE...The first was Fidelma's 'tough-love' SMS telling me my lame 'oh, but my body hurts' excuse wasn't good enough. This message helped, but still wasn't enough to get my ass out of bed. I had a headache, I was tired, and I was laying there, tenderly massaging my legs, trying to convince myself it wouldn't be too sad if I just stayed home on New Year's Eve to watch my Lord of the Rings DVD. I mean, I had chips, I had dip, I had cheese & crackers. I could even put on a sparkly top if I needed to.
Then Claudine called. I told her I couldn't move. I explained that movement of any kind produced hardcore swearing that would make most people blush. She was like, "Okay, I'm picking you up. We'll be at your place at 9.30pm. You're coming."
I couldn't argue with a ride. A ride would mean I wouldn't have to walk to/from a bus stop. A ride would mean a lot less cursing. So I whipped out Panadeine for the headache the Nurofen Gel I'd bought at the chemist and massaged it onto my pathetic legs/back. That is the BEST stuff ever! Within a half hour, I could stand up and sit down without swearing. That rocked!
I got myself into the shower, got dressed, put my party food into a bag, and was ready to go when Claud, Emma, and Ben arrived. I am very lucky to have good friends who know when not to take my crap. :-) Thanks, guys!

We also met a very entertaining Canadian couple while watching the fireworks - I don't know if I can type up the story now as I might pull a muscle in my stomach from laughing too hard and the last thing I need right now is another pulled muscle... ;-)
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