Here we are, the original Freak Magnets, me and Kristen. This was taken in July this year, in Boston. Kristen and I had gone to my favourite Colombian Restaurant and then we met up with Shayna for drinks. Shayna thought we were super freaks for wanting to take this pic in the middle of the sidewalk, but oh well.
I've been thinking about friendships lately. I have a lot of very good friends, all around the world. But isn't it funny how people become friends? Some people you click with instantly. Other people slowly grow into friends over time. Some friends you only discuss superficial things with. Some friends you only discuss deep things with. The best ones are the ones you can discuss everything with. But with friends that grow slowly - at what point did you cross that line from acquaintances to friends? When did you decide that you could keep each other's secrets? When did you know you could trust them?
And isn't it amazing how friends come in cycles? People I was tight with a year ago I hardly ever see now and friends I barely saw a year ago I see all the time now. And some friendships stand the test of time, distance, lack of contact etc. You can pick them up where you left off. And some friendships change and you can never get them back to where they were.
All very complicated and all very simple at the same time. I guess I just want to thank my friends for being my friends - I know I can be pretty difficult to get a hold of and stay in touch with sometimes. Thanks for not giving up on me :-)
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