"Happy Birthday to Me!
Happy Birthday to Meeeeee!
Happy Birthday dear Meeeeeee-eeeee!
Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeee!
Any many more......"
oh yeah - I'm in Oz, "Hip hip - hooray!" x 3 :-)
So that's my first official birthday pic, taken precisely at midnight. Though I'm not technically 25 until 8.04am...and I was born in the States, so, I've got a ways to go, but close enough, dammit. I can no longer tick that young, safe 18-24 year-old age bracket on forms anymore! I've been bumped up to the 25+ category. Do I look any older? The real question is, could I look any younger? I could be 14, geez!
Things I thought while taking b-day photo:
1. Boy is it cool having a new digital camera!
2. Boy is it hard to take a picture of myself.
3. Dear god, my head is big.
4. Could my face BE any rounder? (a la Chandler Bing)
5. Thank you to my orthodontist.
6. Why do I always look drunk in photos? I had a can of Coke tonight. And water. That's it
7. Holy cow, are my lips really that big? I think I have intimidating lips. Maybe that drunk girl @ the Glenmore Hotel was right. (Only Fidelma and Jorge will really appreciate this.)
Happy Birthday to Tim (you're only older by 4 hours, so don't get too cocky!) and Dave (you're still a baby, baby!) and to Auntie Nancy (still 35, huh? ;-)
Hope to see you guys tonight!
p.s. It is impossible to embarass me about my birthday, so don't even try! Does that sound like a dare? ;-)
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